FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 287


Anecdote! Just thought of it myself ))

As a professor at the higher school of economics said, if not for the apocalypse, mmm could have survived for 3 years.

My friend's dancing dog gets more views on youtube than their man. It's all bullshit...
I am not offended by MMM, I managed to withdraw my money 3 days before the quotes went to zero, although I did not participate in large sums. But there are a lot of pyramid schemes like this on the Internet, I talked to a friend on Skype today, he joined some international pyramid scheme in Russia a couple of weeks ago, sent a thousand quid, already got 4 thousand back, and he says he's supposed to transfer another 2. Now he's calling me, he's not gonna lie. Oh, right, I'm going to sign up and I'm going to get you all to sign up ))
today's takeaway is 1.2333

And I believe in 2350 ... :)

I'm going to go shake my tambourines to make it happen :)


Hi! )))) back for the day... where to today? i got buy now at 22659, though i should have had a coffee first and then go nuts )))))

We'll narrow it down and then we'll jump... but where to? ))))))))


Hi! )))) back for the day... where to today? i got buy now at 22659, though i should have had a coffee first and then go nuts )))))

We'll narrow it down and then we'll jump... but where to? ))))))))

hi! why do you need to know where - you have buy (then you'll buy again)

hi! why do you need to know where - you've got buy (then it'll be buy again)

hello! ))) it turns out I need to go to a drugstore, they sell any candles there )))))))

Drunk bull trader walks into a drugstore:
- I hear you got candles, give me some.
- What do you want, hemorrhoid or birth control?
- I'll have a white one, and a long one...


Hi! ))) It turns out I need to go to a pharmacy, they sell all sorts of candles )))))))

Drunk bull trader walks into a drugstore:
- I hear you got candles, give me some.
- What do you want, hemorrhoid or birth control?
- I'll have a white one, and a long one...

ha ha=))))

This one's about Tantrik ))))

The work of a trader and a shaman has a lot in common - both of them mutter incomprehensible words, perform incomprehensible actions and cannot explain how it works....

someone shove a candle north please, i have to go to the shop ))))