FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 117


6 July. /Dow Jones/. Traders intend to reopen short positions on the euro, says a trader at a major investment bank in New York. According to him, some market participants closed short positions on euro after EU summit but now they intend to open short positions again, especially after European Central Bank cut interest rates on Thursday. Investors tend to sell the euro as it rises, although trade flows are small, he adds. The euro fell to a new session low of $1.2260, down more than 1 per cent from Thursday's closing level. This indicates a negative tone in the market. Meanwhile, US stock indices also showed further declines.

Dow Jones Newswires, PRIME


The EUR has broken through the trends (and the BCE as well) on D1 towards 1.17.

Index to corrective level of 85.65


6 July. /Dow Jones/. Traders intend to reopen short positions on the euro, says a trader at a major investment bank in New York. According to him, some market participants closed short positions on euro after EU summit but now they intend to reopen short positions again, especially after European Central Bank cut interest rates on Thursday. Investors tend to sell the euro as it rises, although trade flows are small, he adds. The euro fell to a new session low of $1.2260, down more than 1 per cent from Thursday's closing level. This indicates a negative tone in the market. Meanwhile, US stock indices also showed further declines.

Dow Jones Newswires, PRIME

time to go up?))

it's time to go up?))

Heh... actually, short people have always been down ))))

Huh... actually the shorties have always been down ))))

what are you talking about?

What do you mean?

Short positions, of course.
Baxochief has been sold.
Tank index, 84.38 stop, have a look around.

We're about to embark on a sharp hike down the eu

wow, you're a beauty... :-)))

how did you guess...? :-))

(after losing one of my deposits by a hundred thousand, I realized that you were right... I really believed so reverently, until the last one... :-))


wow, you're a beauty... :-)))

how did you guess...? :-))

(after losing one of my deposits by a hundred thousand, I realized that you were right... I really believed so reverently, until the last one... :-))

When one says up and the other says down.... one of them will be right