FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 94

lotos7:, by and large, is a profession, and one needs an appropriate approach...and today was a perfect day for trading...
must get down on their knees!
What are you doing shopping?!
What are you doing shopping!?
Yeah, I bought 2,380.

Ishim - Are you mad at everyone? Your layouts, by the way, are really helping people. You are not only people who write here (50 people) but also those who read the forum (10,000 or more). I think I speak for the majority and ask them to keep posting their predictions. We need different opinions and different approaches! Come back to the thread!



Ishim - Are you mad at everyone? Your layouts, by the way, are a great help to people. You are not only people who write here (50 people) but also those who read the forum (10,000 or more). I think I speak for the majority and ask them to keep posting their predictions. We need different opinions and different approaches! Come back to the thread!


"sneaks" - on weekends (once in a while)

да купил 2380

should have bought here...(pips)...and soon....))

yes i bought 2380

I am talking about today, not tonight. I don't buy since Friday, Friday was as usual ( at the end of the month, quarter and half of the year), I never take such days when analysing market movements... but tomorrow it's going to be a new day...

By the way, it has broken away from the uptrend again....


I am talking about today, not tonight. I don't buy since Friday, Friday was as usual ( at the end of the month, quarter and half of the year), I never take such days when analysing market movements... and tomorrow there will be a new moon...

By the way, it has once again broken away from the uptrend...

When it falls, I was not at the terminal (maybe I would have bought it) when I got there, it had already fallen.

By the way, i've sold from 2620 at 100ppt in the + lot. i haven't done anything yet - i'll see how it goes past the Bays.


I was not at the terminal at the time of the fall (maybe I would have bought it), but it had already fallen.

I do not have such lots that would buy one - and look at it, if it starts to fall, I will put a lock. By the way, I have sales from 2620 in the + 100pp. locked - have not yet fixed - I'll see how past the bays will float.

I don't know, but this upward move looks very much like a false-break, see the yellow trendline on the daily and weekly charts: