FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 35


Bought quite steeply at 1.2574. I don't know what to do. It's a bit risky to leave it overnight

sell at 1.68

sell at 1.68
Well, you help me out then )))) At this depo I can only sustain 50pp down from current level. Options are to refill (Double the depo overnight), leave it as it is, or close tears.
Close and sleep well. In the morning the picture will clear, maybe buy lower)))

So what? Somebody's salting, somebody's tarting.

Intrigue, predictions ..... :)

Close and sleep well. The picture will be clear in the morning, maybe you will buy lower))))

Yeah, I get that.) But I like to take risks, especially when I feel like it's a sure thing. It's kind of a half-certainty here... There's a good chance I'll wake up to 1.2620.


Well there's a real good chance I'll wake up and it'll be 1.2620

Yeah, it's possible.

It depends on when you wake up, because you could wake up and see different numbers.


Yeah, I get that.) But I like to take risks, especially when I feel like it's a sure thing. It's kind of a half-certainty here... There's a good chance I'll wake up to 1.2620.

Risk is a noble thing, of course...)))
Risk is a noble thing, of course...)))
The mathematical expectation is very positive ) in the sense that the volume of possible losses is 2-3 times lower than the volume of possible profits by the morning, not to mention that we may be at 1.2840 on Friday

something like this ... but it could be ALL ...

Well then help me out )))) At this depo I can only sustain 50pp down from the current level. Options - refill (Double the depo overnight), leave it as it is, or close the tears.

And what does _Oppa say? )) Poke her with a poker. Put a sellstop below today's low and a buy limit, like

lotos7 02.07.2012 21:34