learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 251


That's how it burns... Just counts 4 yo crookedly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nah pips - the currency is ROLLIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good going, Roman, good luck. You have a unique personality, where a great programmer, where a practitioner (trader), where a virtual tank player with a child's excitement. I envy you.

Copy that.

Likewise, likewise. I'm in a helmet... I'm at Prokhorovka right now.... no, not the Live Oaks-- that's where I'm at ......


Unspeakable nonsense ... Before you make such a statement, you should at least know what hedging is ...

Hedging is the opening of trades in one market to compensate for the influence of price risks of an equal but opposite position in another market. Usually, hedging is aimed at hedging price risks by entering into transactions in the futures markets.

Opposite position if directly correlated, but in the video the selected pairs have a reverse (mirror) correlation. Therefore positions should be opened in the same direction. So who is delusional, we still have to figure it out).
The opposite position if directly correlated, but in the video the selected pairs have a reverse (mirror) correlation. Therefore positions should be opened in the same direction. So who is delusional, we still have to figure it out).

I agree), Someone is delusional)

That's how it burns... Just counts 4 yo crookedly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nah pips - the currency is ROLLIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roman well done) course on a lemon)


Is it blowing in your face?! :D


Not familiar with this strategy yet... Is this a permanent lot?

Where are the PRE-existing people in this branch anyway? Or is it over... not interesting anymore... :-(

Where are the codes? Developments... Optimization of parameter values, where are the ILANO-MARTIN options? Or is everyone overfed? Or has it become uninteresting???????????????? Or just - HAVE TO GET HERE ... :-)

Including posting your designs or wishes or... ???? :-)

If so, have a nice appetite under the blanket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

P.S. I suggest Play!


Uh-oh! Beautiful.

I get pictures like this:




Friday's about to be covered!!! It's going to be moving!!! Ilana and the Avalanche are on the move!!!

For Ilano-Martinav Such profitability is a good thing!

+ the first investor - made some dough (arrow) ... :-) No kidding. Not sure how to look at it on their forum yet ... :-)




Guys, these schemes rule! I've doubled my deposit since the beginning of February this year. Entry fee of $10,000 at BCS.

Here's a look at natural gas, including a breakdown.