learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 111


Well, villagers, did you make any money?

We have 3,500 left to beat off the market to pop up in profits.
Roman, how's your ilan doing in the championships? Can I get a link?

I've been chopped down for allegedly "multiple registrations".


I was slammed for allegedly "multiple registrations".

A good man should not be short, and therefore cannot be.
A good person shouldn't be small, which means they can't be small.
Spc. :-)

I was slammed for allegedly "multiple registrations".

"Allegedly" means.... Perhaps it's just the Ilans who are afraid of shooting))

Will be waiting for the villagers in my pam in the near future-about a month :-)


Where's the link to the pamm?

In the near future-about a month, I will be waiting for the villagers in my pam :-) real:

Kostya, where is the link to the PAMM?
Haven't opened it yet, I'm saving up for the invest reala, links will be coming as soon as it's ready)
I haven't opened it yet, I'm saving up for the invest real, I'll have links when it's ready)
Is it a multi-currency?
We wrote at the same time. So we think alike.
I'm not surprised) You used another nickname to "give it to me".)