learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 249


Guys, a la "villagers" !!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck trading on margin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check out the entire "Hunt for Gerchik" on finam.fm -

they teach how to make money there!!!! :-)

+ Close to 90% (in my opinion) of the TS by Gerchik (it has already been posted here in full with his video on youtube) - Toshchakov I. "Forex. The game for money. Strategies for victory. 2008"


+ similar to the "Breaking the Flat" strategy !



And, in general, aglitz PTs rule, as the tank warriors told me! Downloading!!!!!

P.S. It's not flooding, it's just a girl

is setting herself up :-)

for the beginning of the session for second higher!!!

P.P.S. Good luck to all the a la "Villagers" in bidding on the margin - from the heart!

P.P.P.S. It's poked - and yabashu in tanks that - RULE!!! :-)


Just got off the phone with 4.

Bottom line - the display is LAST. They have the points, including the calculation of profitability and everything else....

We, the villagers, rule - the currency of the deposit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll give you some examples!


Here's the profitability of these lefties (I just called - they said that they will count in pips... ):

These are the normal guys - because profit in pips on martin is nothing - DEP currency - rulit!!!!




Here's the profitability of these lefties (I just called - they said that they will count in pips... ):

These are the normal guys - because the profit in pips with martin is nothing - the currency of the DEP - rulit!!!!

In the end - a tough giveaway, until I personally called the phone and talked to them...

Keep in mind Villani" !!!!!!!


It's just that I've always wanted to see not pure martin, but prudent money management. Martin is one way of money management.

I'm not going to criticise him, but I don't want to praise him either.

I second that. The martingale tactic is flawless under two conditions:

1. infinite capital.

2. Equality of profit and loss, as well as their probabilities.

I have never seen anyone pay attention to the second. Meanwhile, no sane person would double a roulette bet on a number, but on the colour - I myself have applied more than once, when I just needed to stretch out the time in the casino.


...but for colour - I've used it myself on more than one occasion when I just needed to bide my time in a casino...

Sustained... and sipping on dAroM!!!!!!!!! :-)

In common

In the end it was a tough ride, until I personally called the phone and talked to them...

Keep in mind "Villagers" !!!!!!!

Brothers villagers!!!
Roman, stop with the caffeine-infused alcohol, it's not your thing.