FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 222


Eleven of the 12 committee members voted to keep the "cheap money" policy unchanged. The Fed has said since January that it plans to keep short-term interest rates at "exceptionally low levels" until at least the end of 2014.

On Wednesday the Fed opted to extend "Operation Twist" - a programme aimed at lowering long-term interest rates by selling short-term bonds and buying long-term bonds with the proceeds. The operation was announced in September 2011 and was scheduled to end at the end of June.

>The Federal Reserve intends to buy and sell about $267 billion worth of US Treasury bonds under the expanded "Operation Twist", the Federal Reserve Bank of New York /Federal Reserve Bank of New York/ said in a statement.


So where are you going, up or down or like a train - at a crossroads? ))))
I hold the buy at 2580, I didn't have time to close at 2740 (it is excessive), and I think the reversal is going down 1.2890 - 29. (you can check with the V later)
I hold the buy at 2580, I didn't have time to cover at 2740 (it's extra), and I assume the reversal is down 1.2890 - 29. (you can check with the V later)

Good. Waiting to see if it settles down for now.

Good. While we wait for things to settle down.
(Be quiet))).

No certainty but the level of 2725 is not broken through, rather flat, but with a downward slope imho.


Good. While we wait for things to settle down.

Through the triangle or something. That's a long time.
(Good luck with the situation)))

I closed the bay before the show, I won't go into the meat grinder unless I see something concrete.

No certainty but the level of 2725 is not broken through, rather flat, but with a downward slope imho

or up


or upwards

third poke at the level, just waiting for the news to set the vector
Who opened both ways, took profits there and there. Now the question is how to repeat the same thing on the 5, where they kind of struggle with lokas?