FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 132


GP in the weeks.

figure workout almost at parity)


GP in the weeks.

figure workout almost at parity)

Can't see the numbers, sign please)
I can't see the numbers, please sign.)
why the numbers? open the weeks, there's a head with shoulders the size of the Himalayas.
why the numbers? open the weeks, there's a head with shoulders the size of the Himalayas.

The mountains stood Lagami...))
why the numbers? open the weeks, there's a head with shoulders the size of the Himalayas.
Got it! BUT there was talk on RBC recently about precedents, like the last couple of months, that the 100% head-to-shoulders option wasn't working itself out...
When do you think it will reach 1.2380 and where did this information come from? Do you have any justification other than "gut feeling"?
1.2380 will be reached next week at the latest. What is the reason? The correction is over and there will be an extension of the bearish trend. The entry point is approximate. The fact, that the growth today is only for the bears, makes it possible to salt it better. From the area of 1.2560-1.2575 - it is even possible to try to go a little bit aggressively in the middle term. But we need to keep an eye on this level
I saw it! BUT on RBC they were talking recently about precedents, like the last couple of months, that the 100% head-to-shoulders option did not work out...

+ expanding triangle on H4

Negative pressures and pressures, mudis with fits are cutting the ratings every day. and on Sunday elections in greece - that's a reason to shoot down


Neither here nor there.))

Eugene Romanov 13.06.2012 - 07:31

It's too bad that newcomers to the market can't understand the simple thing that "Adam Smith" called "the first rule of irregularity": If you don't know who you are, the stock market is not the best place to find out. People are usually, in his own words, a tangle of cramps and misunderstandings. He can afford to say so from the perspective of his experience in the big stock market game for money. If you are first year in the market, it is useless to explain to you about the reflection in the mirror, you don't want to see it. After a couple of years of losses you look back and ask your reflection: "What, you bastard? You've done it again. How to convey the bitterness of a loss that seems irretrievable. And this at a time when you're so short of money. You just have to get over it. And it's not immediate. A newcomer in his first year, for example, has sprayed his first deposit all over the market. And so he looks in the mirror and asks himself? Why I'm not sure, heh. Rather, he thinks: yes, I have lost, but I have learned from this loss, and now just entrust me the money for management, I will start trading that you will not feel so bad. But the second deposit is falling apart even faster, and even to the ridiculous extent, a month does not go by and yep. This is a shock. But in the mirror he looks stupid. If you understand what we are talking about, you already understand that this is normal. You understand that the market is a game, and you can't go anywhere without luck. And if you're a hoodoo, you're doomed. But if you are a lackey, you must be prepared to lose. Because there is no method against the market, it will get you anyway. A beginner asks - can you double your deposit in a year (month). Do you have an answer, if you are a pro? What can you say to such a hopeless stupidity? You may or may not double. Black Jack? No, of course there's a way to work here. Provided you already realise it's not possible. The market equals a paradox. I remember the spring of 4 when the eu rose all spring and all summer on expectations. At that time one of my friends (virtual, we corresponded in an interesting way) was telling me about his friend, Ken, a British trader with a 30-year experience. He was at first perplexed by this rise and was losing money, but then flipped, due to experience. He then compared the euro to a little girl being picked up by a visiting uncle. She gets all the attention and all the presents, but the girl doesn't realise that the time will come and the uncle will put her down, and she and her daddy will go to the pub to drink beer, and so on. It just takes time in the market, everything takes time and work day and night. And so after a year you see more on the masd than before, and after another five you see quite well. But alas - you already realise that not everything you see is necessarily good. You realise that your vision is no good, and it could be everything. And the beginner sees nothing, and believes the indicator. And the indicator works, or it doesn't. You have an understanding in ten that there are no methods. You catch wind, you sniff, like a beast, all scarred in past fights. Whether to bite your prey or just growl defensively, lest you yourself get mauled again. Today it works, tomorrow it won't. You're thinking about where you're going to get your tail if you get caught in a vise unexpectedly. You don't care about anything, not Greece, not the Fed, not the Peerolls, not Hildebrandt. You just see an opportunity and assess - grab the spoils or not? Here is the EUR yesterday with a divergence on the hour into the night - fuck it, you can't see anything at night, it's already a dark game. You see that the EUR is built on your own, you invented, you built, you picked up 89-200ЕМА. But you understand long ago that trading from the muwings is too risky, you need a diverter masd. And you have one, but you still don't take it overnight. And you don't take now because it's very choppy, very nervous, very volatile, and you don't give a buy recommendation, you wait for the wild downside, but you're confident as far as the market is concerned that it will be a big white week. You want to buy, but you don't give a position, but you realise it could go straight from the current rises. But you're beaten down, dirty from spitting. You're experienced, and you're given to understand by virtue of your experience and intelligence - nothing is sacred, anything can be, there are no methods, no untouchables. There is nothing. That's the difference with a newcomer, who says with a clever look that this and that will happen. When this happens, he looks even smarter and says that even though I am a beginner, but I am a smart and correct animal, and you are old and 12 years in the market have not helped you. And the funny thing is, I realise that it really hasn't gone, by and large, and only a little bit has, or I just think it has. Exchange. The market. The game. Luck. Adventurism. Little chance, because the odds are with those who control this field. I can't flip blindly here and now because I fear it even more. Maybe I don't have 20 more years of experience, but rather I have a sniff of a fake. I smell it - there could be a big rise. Could start fixing before the election. Because at least this whole Greece thing was just made up for the big game. Because the eurozone isn't going anywhere. And the eura will stay. If the eura goes to zero, who needs such a market. Without the eur, there won't be a market for many years. And the dollar is not worth 1.25 or 1.30 in its current form. The eu is worth $1.50, off the top of my head. If only because Draghi hasn't yet thrown the euras from a helicopter over Frankfurt like Ben-vertolet does. Once again I want to emphasise where I started. No matter how you look in the mirror, you won't get it right away. And you can't fix it. Through endless practice, you will begin to discern how ugly, dirty the mirror is, how helpless, dreary and at the same time scary it is. And when you realize who you really are, you begin to fight indifference and other hypochondria, and you simply follow the rule: do what you have to do and be what you will. And what else can you do...

1.2380 will reach maximum next week. Rationale? The correction is over and there will be a continuation of the bearish trend. The entry point is approximate. The fact that today the growth is only for the bears - allows for a better salting. From the area of 1.2560-1.2575 - it is even possible to try to go a little bit aggressively in the middle term. But we have to look more carefully at this level.
It's full... It's time to drop the piano))))
1.2380 will reach maximum next week. Rationale? The correction is over and there will be a continuation of the bearish trend. The entry point is approximate. The fact that today the growth is only for the bears - allows for a better salting. From the area of 1.2560-1.2575 - it is even possible to try to go a little bit aggressively in the middle term. But we should look more carefully at this level.
It is clear that next week, on monday everything will crash (france - elections, Greece - elections, spain not enough 100, they will need 250 (again they will beg), italy will beg next week + i think (my exclusive opinion) that Greece will leave the eu on monday. i thought you have some kind of information or something that will happen this week ...