FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 383

owl for the weekend salt-\

I think not, if we are speaking about the short term, though next week at 1.25 should be a mark, and in the medium term at 1.3030 I am sure, though you cannot really call it a medium term.

You asked me why I got into buying yesterday. One of the factors that influenced this decision was the daily chart of the dollar index. It grew when the Chaikin's oscillator fell (I wrote about it and placed a screenshot). Now the situation is quite reversed - decrease of the index is accompanied by growth of the oscillator, and its value is higher than zero, which suggests a positive accumulation rate.

Judging by the above-mentioned, the growth of the index will end today, forming a "pincer" half on the graph in the worst case for the bears.


Put on sale:

Sticking to this morning's plan, the intended range is still "alive"!

To quote my beloved self))))

"And as for the current situation - the sellers' stops at 1.27,maybe at 1.2720-25 will take down, then we'll go for a correction")))


You asked me why I got into buying yesterday. One of the factors that influenced this decision was the daily chart of the dollar index. It grew when the Chaikin's oscillator fell (I wrote about it and placed a screenshot). Now the situation is quite reversed - decrease of the index is accompanied by growth of the oscillator, and its value is higher than zero, which suggests a positive accumulation rate.

Judging by the above-mentioned, growth of index will end already today, forming on the chart in the worst case for bears a half of "pincer".

I see.
A devaluation of the rouble is inevitable, which means Russia could face a repeat of 1998, the most pessimistic economists predict. They were echoed on Monday by a number of major Russian and Western newspapers, who also noted that indices on Russia's two main exchanges fell late last week to levels last seen in 1997. Meanwhile the dollar continues to rise against the euro and the rouble.

The Russian government is still strenuously denying the "pessimistic scenario". The Central Bank and Russian government leaders promised last weekend not to allow a sharp devaluation and sharp fluctuations of the rouble. The most interesting quotes on the subject are from the website "".

Despite the seeming repetition of the authorities' previous stance on this issue, experts were alerted by the appearance of the word "drastic" in recent statements, Nezavisimaya Gazeta notes.

- Financial Times: Russia is moving forward into 1998
- Russian stock exchanges follow in the footsteps of August 1997
- Vedomosti: "Next year will be the most difficult for the Russian economy in 10 years"
- Kommersant: "Crisis pushes Russian banks into fraudulent schemes"
- Deutsche Welle expert: "Ruble devaluation possible if foreign creditors demand their money back"

First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said Sunday that the Bank of Russia has all the possibilities to avoid sharp fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate. "With the reserves we have and with the level of development of the financial system where we are, the global crisis phenomena are not capable of breaking our financial and our economic system," the first deputy prime minister stressed. He also said that "we should not fear sharp fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate, as there are no prerequisites for it at the moment.
And who can explain how the "open interest indicator" works?

Look at the photo, just a little...

Quoting my favourite)))):

"And as for the current situation - the sellers' stops at 1.27,maybe even at 1.2720-25 will be taken down, then we will go for a correction"))))

I have stops at 1.2720, let it be knocked out, I have already made a good profit this week! In theory, I should make some profit next week, as long as the market is completely predictable!

On the H4 euro/dollar, I have greyed out the area between the breakout levels of the main downtrend and the uptrend correction (1.2519 and 1.2625 respectively). If the price does not return to this area today or early next week, the northward march will take place.