FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 381


walt he )))

on the klasterdelta there is decent volume at the top, now sellers will be added to the fixes, it might go down well)))

But at one o'clock it looks like a correction... I don't know whether to leave it for the weekend... such an abnormal rise... there should be a serious pullback... but there is no fucking peak...

walt he )))

Where did you find those Annals? I've been wanting to see what he's collected there for a long time)))

Where did you find those Annals? I've been wanting to see what he's got there))))

at vnvlvh and got it ))))

OK, good night and have a good weekend)))

See you in a month ))))) paca


But at one o'clock it looks like a correction... I don't know if I should leave it for the weekend... such an extreme rise... there should be a serious pullback... but there is no peak...

Wizard, it's only a correction:

It will hardly fall to 2580 today, maximum 2620, but next week it will hit 2580 anyway, there is still 300 pips left. This is not a forecast, it's just thoughts out loud. I am very impressed by the new strategy, I am glad, that it withstands even such blows with some margin.


Wizard, it's only a correction:

No trend change to follow in this wave?
extrasecasa 27 will be?)))

my guess is no, there won't be, time's up...
Not according to mine either, not even on Monday
Will a trend change not follow in this wave?

I think not, if we are talking about the short term, although next week at 1.25 should be a mark, and in the medium term at 1.3030 at least I am sure, although it cannot be called a medium term.