FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 3


Hello gentlemen!

So far the new thread has been full of flood.....

How did you like the chaharga of the last 3 hours on the Euro/Dollar pair? ;-) That's why I've been trying to warn against stupidity since this morning.

There's really nothing going on. Just reflected the news on US statistics and it was predicted a long time ago.... The main thing is that the trend was down and remains down. Those who slaughtered the poor moose today are just not good at listening to the voices of reason. Sympathy but not much.... That's more like sarcasm.

Things will keep flying back and forth depending on the news until the 17th of June. In my opinion and it coincides with the opinion of many analysts - the dollar will continue to rise until at least September. Why? Please:

1. The Fed is not going to, and does not need to, print money. Until September for sure.
2. The US economy is slowing down in places but nevertheless growing, while in Europe the decline is slowing down in places but nevertheless falling.
3. There are more and more reasonable voices in Europe that the Euro should be devalued as it is the only way to stimulate the economy and to prevent the union from falling apart. I wrote about the inevitability of euro devaluation in my first forecast on my old thread. Now (yesterday) it was on Euronews TV. And it's not even me they're quoting ;-))) (They must have been on our forum). They literally said that only political ambitions do not allow to switch on the ECB printing press.
4. Well and oil prices are falling and this has always strengthened the dollar.

The euro/dollar trend is down with a 70-80% bias against the possibility of a reversal.
Don't try to keep trading today and don't try to catch the Gap on Monday! You will only catch a dead los.

Bye guys! We have an older beautiful granddaughter coming over today..... :-)

bai closed in sales.
Maybe you are right, we may speak about the reversal after the break-up of 2535, but I want to buy on the bottom )))

well, heck, he'd also write to close the terminal and pile up to meet his granddaughter))))))

why do people have such a thirst to tell others what to do? )))

...we can really talk about a reversal after the break up of 2535, but I want to buy on the bottom ))))
Strongly agree! At the level of 1.25250-1.25350 there is a big cluster. And until it breaks through, no reversal....
And the bottom is still a long way off.

Article, thanks for the indicator, I'll have a look.

Tantrik, I understand that you have no moose, only dips, but what happened to the pomme?)))


Article, thanks for the indicator, I'll have a look.

Tantrik, I understand that you have no moose, only dips, but what happened to the pomme?)))

Do you want to invest?
emotraid have beautiful trading stats ...if you have already earned so much...
emotraid have beautiful trading stats ...if you have already earned so much...

What did I make? I got 52 quid left on my deposit from 500 )))))).
Do you want to invest?

Holy, holy, holy, God forbid)))
Maybe you are right, the reversal may be discussed after the break-up of 2535, but I really want to buy only the bottom ))))
The market will correct, long term forecasts from H4 will be done at the weekend when the market is not working, and for now, the targets for the near future are 1,2340>1,2400>1,2260.