Selling a trading strategy. How? - page 11


then help here,

To the author. Can you give me the address?

No. It's fine. But it's pretty clear to you.

Why do you need some lefty pig-saurus?

I'm not being ironic.

There are so few true reptiloids in the world, so I can't deny myself the pleasure.

To the author. Can you give me the address?

He does not answer. and the comments in the database have long been abandoned the script is an old 2008, there in the comments is the last question on my topic, but no one has answered it

There are so few true reptiloids in the world, so I can't deny myself the pleasure.

Valera, I'm a pretty patient man, but I can't help but tell you: you're a moron.

Yes, that's true.

On the other hand: it doesn't hurt to break things down.

Open your own thread and troll all you want (you know - not you) .

I'm not a moderator. And thank goodness for that.

But you have a strange hang-up... and on what? It doesn't seem to be worth it.

))) Try your claims on me - I'll try to answer them.

Well, Peter was right again, there are plenty of people to study.


The trading strategy is only sold by the participants of the "small scam". Programmers for 30 bucks participate in the same.

The big scam is the "game" itself. Tell any stock market participant that he is playing, if you want to quarrel with him. It works!


I'm not a moderator. And thank goodness for that.

But you have a strange hang-up... and on what? It doesn't seem to be worth it.

))) Try your claims on me - I'll try to answer them.

Peter, my hangups certainly don't apply to you:)
Well, Peter was right again, there are plenty of people to study.
I don't have a license. I have a license to shit in the soul of a marginalist. It's not required. They'll shit themselves. This isn't. It's more complicated than that...
And then... I'm not for hire...
I don't have a licence. A marginalist shits in the soul - I do. It's not required. They shit themselves. No, they don't. It's more complicated than that...
And then... I'm not for hire...

Not a license, but a first class Treasury certification. I have one.

Peter, I'm no gift either :)