Urgently need a profitable advisor from 500% per month, - page 19

Shit, now he's "Vova the beggar."

Ahhhh, now I see. Well, if he peed, it's a doctor's appointment ))))

enuresis )

"Don't worry, we'll get you into the Airborne and you'll learn how to shit too."


Ahhhh, now I get it. Well, if he's pissed, it's a medical emergency ))))
There's no medicine for that. You should call Kashpirovsky, he's a bedwetter.
Mischek2: Shit, now he's "Vova the beggar."
Well, when you describe yourself at the most inopportune moment, you're bound to become one. At least to beg for a nappy.
Medicine is powerless here. We should call Kashpirovsky, he cures bedwetting.

You can't do that, it's not humane. We have to return society, if not a healthy member, at least not a pissed one.

Medically, you're in charge here. Get to it.

DRAKON5: Son, you'll live to be my age if you piss and poop now, what's next?

Anybody have any deciphering options?
Son, you'll live to be my age if you're pissing and pooping now.

That's it, the nerves are starting to go, it's decomposing.)

ZS: how do you decompose a square triple dick? )


You can't do that. It's not humane. We have to return society, if not a healthy member, at least not a pissed one.

Medically, you're in charge here. Get to it.


Does anyone have any deciphering options?

Before there were two, it was easier. Now the five of them are writing at once.
paukas: Alcohol!

An operation is underway:

- Scissors!

- Clamps!

- Cotton!

- Alcohol!

- More alcohol!

- More alcohol!!!

- Cucumber!!!