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Lizaveta on compassion for others.
maybe to yourself? )

typical troll )

Yes, it's true.

Because I love people.

The main thing is that love is not unrequited)

The doorbell rings...

- Who is it?

- Я!

- Я?

Lizaveta about compassion for others.

Yes. It's because I love people)

The forum pissed all you guys must be from the same hospital, but why sign it as me - ask anyone who it is and they will tell you Vova is a beggar without the beard.
DRAKON5: the forum pissed itself

I didn't seem to piss myself. Has anyone here pissed themselves?

I didn't pee. Has anyone here peed themselves?

You didn't. He's talking to us like-- Forum.

Then he says, "That's it, I pissed my pants.

Then, assuming we're from the hospital too, tries to exchange hospital details.


No. He's talking to us like, "Forum.

Then he says, "That's it, I pissed my pants.

Then, assuming we're from the hospital, he tries to exchange hospital details.

Ahhhh, now I get it. Well, if he's pissed, it's a medical emergency ))))