Urgently need a profitable advisor from 500% per month, - page 20


Like the wedge is a wedge? Bold. But risky. There are five of them already, though.

I don't want a squirrel to be there in the morning.

I won't argue, though.

Mischek2: We have to give society back, if not a healthy member, at least not a pissed-off one.

A healthy penis is no excuse for an orgasm ))))

I don't seem to have peed myself. Has anyone here pissed themselves?

No, we just pissed ourselves, and Misha got lost, but otherwise we're fine.

No, they just pooped themselves, Misha got a bit misty, but otherwise they're fine.
They all seem to be like that now they are trying to justify that it was not them who pooped but the smell spread all over the internet on all forum threads
Quietly to himself...

I left the loony bin for a couple of hours and they chewed up all the tranquilizers...... what valeras and what clones, are they all fucked up or something.... plushy, did you poop your brains out last night when you shit your pants?

........ Keep up the good work, gentlemen.

Volodya, watch your tongue too, or you might get a pussy hair pulled out of your paisa someday.


Oh, why troll the man like that? He can't change who he is! And why should he? Even under other nicknames he only manages to play...... himself.

Not flexible, but very peculiar.

That's it, you're on your own. Paukas, you're too late. Only to the morgue now.
He does, you bastard.)
Who are you insulting Volodya, it's been a long time since you were...banned
DRAKON5: I've been messaging you on Skype
Is that like a weasel-attractive expression? )))