[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 99


Mobilich, drop me a Skype conference, it's boring here.

My profile's got my skype - we'll find each other there

What do you need it for?
I was gonna suggest we get drunk together. I get it. Wrong address. What are you talking about? Save your liver and kidneys.

Misha's tired of the week...the eu...topple


Misha's tired of the week...the eu...topple

Where did the polar bears come from in the south anyway? :)))
Wow, where's your sell...
Stop buying the pound, it's time for a correction
Closed the sell, I'll sell higher

does anyone know what happened to JP Morgan


does anyone know what happened to JP Morgan

Fucked up $2B. CNBC has been trumpeting it all morning)
Why should I burn here if my talents are not appreciated (hello wizards)
Do you come to the forum to give predictions and make money from it?

does anyone know what happened to JP Morgan

closed the sale early. i like the way it's going.