[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 121


here's for today - if no one interferes with my trading.

Who's the bad guy who keeps interfering in the pummeling trade?

If the purple dotted line is broken down by the pound, the next target is 1.5855. The time to reach the target is expected to be 18.00 Kiev time.

...what are the targets of the eu, pound, audi, kiwi - see... for today...
...what are the targets of the eu, pound, audi, kiwi - see... for today...
I personally don't see anything)))) it's running like a steam engine
...what are the targets of the eu, pound, audi, kiwi - see... for today...

Well, a lot of people here are expecting 1.35-40 on EURUSD

I think the pound has reached its target. Time to head north.

I think the pound has reached its target. Time to head north.

...you can see it clearly on the 4 o'clock...

were given more to buy

Go on, buy it, the euro is cheap now.
...more news on the Ameras...but it may have been worked out by now...

The situation in Europe has become so heated that even the European Central Bank has admitted that the situation is becoming dangerous.

Yesterday ECB President Mario Draghi announced that the central bank is temporarily suspending lending to Greek banks because they have not yet been successfully refinanced. Draghi stressed that until the troubled banks increase their capital to acceptable levels, monetary operations with them will not be carried out by the ECB, but by the Central Bank of Greece under the liquidity support arrangement (ELA).

The exact number of financial institutions affected by the organisation's decision is not known. According to Reuters reports citing ECB sources, at least 4 Greek banks have reached negative equity capital levels. Bloomberg news agency notes that the 4 largest banks in Greece are waiting for EU approval to receive 18 billion euros from the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF).

It is assumed that this money will be used to recapitalize credit institutions.

Commerzbank: "Market tensions are rising, as is the risk of contagion to other economies in the region. After all, the ECB simply can't stay away, given the capital outflows from the peripheral economies, which will only intensify if Greece does leave the currency bloc. Against this background all attempts of EUR/USD to start a recovery will look very unconvincing.