[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 159

the glass is virtual, but the moose are natural - they are unfed.

What's fauna without moose)))) kiwi without wings, someone also invented)))) I've got them standing there nibbling on the greens too))))
Maybe the flat will last until the end of the month between the low and 1.28, and then it's up to the cards...

Oh, brother! Strange is getting quite bad))), he's getting confused with Ishim)))) I mean the price tumblr, virtual))))

Not awake yet))).

Vizard, 2750.

Facebook risks becoming the worst-performing technology company in the post-Dotcoms era. After Monday's collapse, the company's shares continued to fall on Tuesday. In all, the stock lost almost 14 per cent in three trading days. Those analysts who had urged against general euphoria and advised investors to avoid investing in shares of the social network now look like the real heroes, writes Bloomberg. But few expected Facebook to look so miserable compared with other Internet companies that have gone public in the past 10 years.

See original story at http://www.interfax.ru/business/txt.asp?id=246981

Vizard, 2750.

we'll see as we go...

Facebook risks the worst among technology company listings in the post-Dotcoms era. After Monday's collapse, the company's shares continued to fall on Tuesday. In all, the stock lost almost 14% in three trading days. Those analysts who had urged against general euphoria and advised investors to avoid investing in the social network's shares now look like the real heroes, Bloomberg writes. The stock market is expected to be the worst-performing internet company of the past 10 years compared to many others that have gone public.

See the original story at https://www.mql5.com/go?link=http://www.interfax.ru/business/246981

The funny thing about Facebook... is worth more than Gasprom....get over it...

and then wonder why economies are imploding )))


Funny thing about Facebook... is worth more than gasprom...come on...

and then wonder why the economy is bursting)))

If facebook had as much worn-out equipment as gazprom and declining production, it would probably cost more than it does))))) It is easier to pump lots of money into virtual space and then make all happy owners of the shares))))).

If fesbuk had as much worn out equipment as gazprom and declining production it might cost adequately)))))

I'm talking about the virtualization of the world... the escapism of reality...

I mean the virtualisation of the world... the escape from reality...

I mean the same thing, wages have gone into plastic almost everywhere lately, what if the computer gets fucked up? as they say))))

Alesder MacLeod on Greece, Germany and gold
23.05.2012 06:54 || |
Greece. The Greek situation is completely predictable: when you put incredible pressure on the economy and try to increase the tax burden on the private sector, and the latter is not used to paying taxes because they find ways to evade them, then you start cutting pensions, cutting this and that - the people start rioting in response. They have no idea what they are doing but they revolt nonetheless. Nobody seems to be able to form a government there and the next election will be in June. They won't solve anything, unless, of course, by some miracle the Greeks suddenly start to think straight.

Another thing nobody is talking about is that there are derivative contracts worth about $90bn in the Greek economy. We are not just talking about the national government, but local governments, cities, towns and everybody else. The counterparties of this $90bn are starting to worry about this situation, because in my view things are heading towards default.

The most active players in this derivatives market are organisations like Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and, I believe, JPMorgan - it is clear from here that the problems are not limited to the government and the hapless Greek citizens who are caught in the middle.

So potentially we have some $90bn worth of derivatives on which one side of the deal will default. One side is not quite balanced ....
