[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 32


Last year in mid-May the global decline in the Euromaidan from 1.52 to 1.19 ended and the sideways movement started until the end of the summer.
There was an average of at least 100 p's in one direction during the day, now you see 50-60 at most.
There was an average of at least 100 pts in one direction during the day, but now you see 50-60 at the most.
The balance has come - so they don't know where to rush... unless we see something global, there will be no serious changes...

As usual, the market reaction to the ECB chief's latest statement was mixed. The currency pair rebounded from the intraday low of 1.3097 by 80 pips, but then the Euro lost some ground. In the remainder of Thursday's North American session and Friday's Asian session, the pair mostly consolidated near 1.3150. This could mean a slight upward correction. Consequently, today in the European session the pair EUR/USD will manage to rise a little - to the level of 1.3190, as a wave "2". After that the pair is expected to reverse and start the decline in the form of the next impulse "3" about one week to the low of 1.3097. Alternatively, a more significant rise of the pair is possible, which will be a sign of complication of the correction structure "2". Thus, the single currency will continue to trade higher above 1.32, towards 1.3250. Also note that there is a high probability of increased volatility in the market today.
Downside forecast


) but my stop is so close.....

if you're sold out ... move the tee lower
Once the UE has sold ... move the tee lower

come on, it's not good to get greedy ))))

Come on, it's not good to be greedy ))))
Nonsense ...open the week and look ...4th candle is flat and at these levels will close the week ...The price should go down today (below your bargain).
I recommend to put a buy order somewhere at 1.3080, because we can go there and there on the payroll, and this one should catch on.
you can look at...http://www.compassfx.com/video/ip/50312/50312.html

Well cool, I liked it, you can do it without the turkey purely on the channel. Went through the history, surprised))).

If you follow this method, then we are below the channel and should be up, and in general this decline was out of order, therefore still expect a spike up.

No big deal....open the week and look at ...4th candle is flat and at these levels will close the week...The price should go down today (below your bargain).

If i place a BUY order i will be able to place one more order, but for now i just leave it))))
the terminal tehanalysis is out there, as my grandmother says butter my heart ))))))))