[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 27

Of those available, there is a tambourine.

the feeling that he told more than he understood... his example in wheat... the market was so good that everything worked... if the euro was so bad for him... his optimism diminished...

guys with ganzilla ( gannu's software ) was looking at the rez's on the forum...............................................

Too bad Misha77 or whatever he got banned....i wish i could see all his Gann forecasts now...))

Nope, he would have coped with the euro... it is something else, something mystical, more likely someone helped him... the human brain is incapable of predicting, it is something like Vanga in finance but they do not predict predict, they just whine about it ))))) and that stupid square... I've seen it since I was a student )))))))))))
keep an eye on the timetable

Nah, he would have made it with the euro... it's something else entirely, it's mystical, most likely someone helped him, the human brain is not capable of such predictions, it's something like Vanga in finance but they do not predict, they just whisper what they are told ))))) and that stupid square... I've seen it since I was in college. )))))))))))

if you get enough sleep...the brain can easily predict at certain points after a few years of looking at the charts...1-2 bars ahead - a move on small ones... The brain is easy to predict at certain moments over the years... 1 or 2 bars ahead - small moves... If you're a victim of a terrorist attack, you should stop trying to provoke a rise in the number of victims... If you're a victim of a terrorist attack, you should stop trying to provoke a rise in the number of victims... If you're a victim of a terrorist attack, you should stop trying to provoke a rise in the number of victims...


If you've had a good night's sleep...the brain can easily predict at certain points after a few years of looking at charts...1-2 bars ahead - a move on small ones... The brain is easy to predict at certain moments over the years... 1 or 2 bars ahead - small moves... If you don't know what you're dealing with then you should look at the price... If you don't know what you're dealing with then you should look at the price... If you don't know what you're dealing with then you should look at the price...

If you do not believe me, go to the astral one day ahead and compare it with reality, I would not advise to try it once or twice and quit it, a thousand years ahead is okay or a billion but not tomorrow ))))).

Nah, he would have made it with the euro... it's something else entirely, it's mystical, most likely someone helped him, the human brain is not capable of such predictions, it's something like Vanga in finance but they do not predict, they just whisper what they are told ))))) and the square is stupid... I've seen it since I was a student. )))))))))))
look herehttp://gannmasterforex.blogspot.com/

it doesn't open.

I can't open it.

Look in your inbox. I can't write much. My daughter's keyboard is full of juice. I'm writing on the virtual one.


Look in your personal email. I can't write much. my daughter's keyboard is full of juice. I'm writing on the virtual one.

Still does not work, maybe I do not have everything enabled, or our megaline glitches, I don't know )))