Humour - page 379

In the canteen today there was Indian beef in curry sauce. No one in the crowd of diners had any idea what the catch was.
Hindus do not eat beef. The sacred cow. But India is not only Hindus.
Hindus don't eat beef. Sacred cow. But India is not only Hindus.

Yes, there are also Buddhists who are vegetarians ;)

And there are so few other confessions that no one would add the word "Hindu" to the name of their dishes, otherwise most of them would use it for meat. In general, it is like cooking pork the Arab way. Or horse meat in English.

Go to a search engine, ask for "Indian beef", take a look.
Go to a search engine, ask for 'Indian beef' and have a look.
The Papuans are eating human flesh and will soon be sharing their recipes when they get internet access :)
We go on a search engine, ask for 'Indian beef', look it up.
Open the fridge, don't ask anyone.

Indian beef curry

Curry is a world-famous bright yellow, sweet and spicy spice whose main ingredient is turmeric. Curry is also the name of the dish - vegetables, pulses or spiced meat stewed in a sauce.


Papuans are eating human flesh, soon they'll be sharing their recipes when they get internet access :)

Anyone who tries to bring the internet to them, they'll eat it.


Anyone who tries to get the internet to them, they will eat

About admins they say: Don't make a cult out of food (about moderators too).