Humour - page 177


that in the region of 150 sqm, about a dozen or so toys could fit

recording was going at 0.5 kbytes per second for 45 min = 1380 sqm.

So the speed was even lower. I remember there were a dozen quality 16 sq. m. toys written on one side

I recently bought a computer so I could build a build at home for work.
At work I had 8 gigabytes - I put 16 gigabytes at home. I was worried it was too much.
But, man, this new project needs 32 gigs. And the drive SSD.
Then the project would not build 1.5 hours, and only 30-40 minutes.

PS / half a gig of RAM only one browser sucks.

PS2/ I switched to Windows XP from Windows 2000 only in 2006-
I needed a fresh DirectX SDK.
But otherwise I wouldn't change it. For I don't want to.

I can't help thinking that progress is being devoured by progress and we are left with crumbs, the results of which we don't have time to make use of, because progress is again being devoured by progress......
I cannot escape the thought that progress is eaten up by progress, while we are left with crumbs, the results of which we do not have time to use, because again progress comes, which is eaten up by progress......
In other words: while we recognise a trend and follow it, the counter-trend eats up all the profit and part of the deposit.....)
That's sad. Should I go to Linux? Or is it going to go crazy too?

Linux has the same problem: the newer the build, the more whiz-bangs it contains. Fortunately, the ability to manually assemble the system has not been abolished, and the founding fathers assure that this will always be the case. With opensource tools development also not without funny things - if gcc/codeblocks/codelite are more or less stable, qt developers and especially fpc/lazarus developers are obviously going somewhere in the wrong direction. :)))

Given that every new generation of graduate managers lowers the educational bar,
and enthusiasm and the need to promote oneself...
the current programs must be copied as a kind of ark-
for it can only get worse from here.

For this new public, despite their medical contraindications to intellectual activity,
will still be sick of the new... concepts of functionality and interface.
In other words: while we recognise the trend and follow it, as the counter-trend eats away all the profit and part of the deposit.....)

I didn't mention the flat.

If you look at a different timeframe, the picture is slightly different.

In 1985 the squeak at CM 1420 gave up. That's what most of the people involved thought. I, on the other hand, understood that I had surrendered an obsolete system. Then there was a degradation of the hardware, on which nothing serious could be done. Until about the year 2000 the flats. By about 2005 it settled down and I was able to perform not only analysis, accounting and reporting tasks, but also tasks of forecasting and planning. But during that time the thinking was completely degraded. The vast majority were engaged in commercial fintech. Steam went down the whistle.

The present time is somewhere around 2005. There's a flop in progress again. Serious things can be done. While analysis, accounting and reporting are thriving now, planning and especially forecasting have had to start somewhere in the 60s. I think there will be a qualitative leap in thinking, thanks to flatness (and no qualitative leap in iron and system mathematics is foreseen).