Humour - page 100

from a 4th grade textbook: "ah by the spruce, ah by the spruce, ah by the spruce the wicked wolves scattered all the needles...", try explaining to your child why daddy is laughing!
from a 4th grade textbook: "ah by the spruce, ah by the spruce, ah by the spruce the wicked wolves scattered all the needles...", try to explain to a child why daddy is laughing!
What the hell's a fourth? You just had a baby?!
What the hell's a fourth? You just had a baby, didn't you?!
I found this on the internet.
Yes, I found this on the internet

It's getting ready. The child is growing by leaps and bounds
What the hell is a fourth? You just had a baby, didn't you?!

Other people's kids grow up fast.

granit77: 13.08.2012 18:03

Time Machine.

I can predict what the September issue of Ural Dumplings on STS will be called.

1. September is a landmark month, which means the title will catch the start of the school year.

2. the title is usually a pun based on a well-known phrase and paraphrases the main theme of the issue.

3 Based on the above, the title could be: "The Shadow of Knowledge".

Laziness of knowledge is better :)
It's nice when a prediction based on pure logic comes true.
Today I watched the new Ural Dumplings show "The Shadow of Knowledge" on STS.

Why mothers have grey hair or candy-coloured babies. Smile with us, in short


Why mothers have grey hair or candy-coloured babies. Smile with us, in short

)))), the one with the fork is hilarious.
)))), with a fork it's a real hoot.

It's a horror, not a hoot - he could have poked his eye out. After all, he must have fallen on that fork and not shoved it up his nose.

The horror, not the hoot - he could have poked his eye out. He must have fallen on that fork, not shoved it up his nose.
I had my fingers chopped off when I was a kid and they sewed them back on, just like that.