Humour - page 267


The dance is called a jig, not a jig. Zhiga is a Zhigul - a product of AvtoVAZ ))))

Enough with the humour posts already ))))

Jig is a fucking dance, that's a prouf. I'm not going to argue that it's the right jig, but the jig goes too.

I can't find "zhigu" as slang for "zhiguli" anywhere on the net.

Sorry for the confusion, now I will know.

And as for being a victim of education, I agree with you 100500.

P.S. I see your post, that's it, let's move on.


This is a humour thread. Prove something to the moderators here, not to me.
solar: This is a humour thread. Prove something to the moderators here, not to me.
solar, don't get all worked up, please. No one's treating you here.
solar, don't get all worked up, please. No one is treating you here.
)))))))))))) Just a logical connection between patriotism and the purchase of VAZs, clearly visible (purely imho) ))))
You just have to remember that logical connections can be very unintelligible ;))))

They buy them not out of patriotism but purely for makeover and show off, lowered cars with ripped out springs are in special honour ))))

And even Caucasians mostly buy VAZ cars with mileage, from the second or third owner, what kind of patriotism is there...

By the way, the word Žiga has many meanings ;)

The higher up the mountain, the lower the Priors. ©
)))))))))))) Just a logical connection between patriotism and buying VAZs, clearly visible (purely imho) ))))

So, according to you, if I drive a Toyota, I am not a patriot and will not defend my homeland? My homeland, not the state. So, it is better to drive a disfigured Priora that farts and scratches the asphalt with a bucket called an exhaust pipe and looks like a trough, but to be a "patriot"? What's so funny? А... that's humour.

No, I'd rather drive a Camry.



Nah, I'd rather drive a Camry.

Watch out for the mat.


Watch out for the mate.


I'm guessing it's someone from the VAZ design department... ))))

Watch out for the mate.


And who did he buy a total wrecked car from? Either it was made by Russian workers in a Russian factory or I don't know. I never buy cars made in Russia. Always only the original. There's nothing like it.
А... I forgot to add - how can one not be happy with the soft interior trim? Does he want to rip his elbows on the rubbery plastic AvtoVAZ? Actually, the steering wheel is automatically tilted upwards, when you take the key out of ignition. There's no problem for an elephant to get in.