Humour - page 234


A Chinese wise man said:并应任命一名代表的人 数的选举结果副手。选举的结果已经成为最新的直接,最新的直接,虽然由理事会任命 的长老 Nice, isn't it? I just cried at this point 最新的直接

Now that the browser can instantly translate from any language, such jokes don't go away :)

A Chinese wise man said:并应任命一名代表的人 数的选举结果副手。选举的结果已经成为最新的直接,最新的直接,虽然由理事会任命 的长老 Nice, isn't it? I just cried at this point: 最新的直接

google translation "And the number of representatives appointing deputy election results. The results of the election became the last direct, the last direct, though appointed by the Council of Elders"

and cried at "last straight"


and children's humour

There are no aliens, monsters, vampires or ghosts. And if there are, why are they scared and avoiding me? I don't bite.


The bottom picture should be moved to half past six))

I recently decided to clean the drive, it was eating up a lot of space and nowhere...

And there it is! What better place to post than in humour.

This is purely an EO. You want more space clean the MT logs :-)
This is purely an EO. You want more space clean the MT logs :-) I recommend sequoia - you will learn a lot about your computer
YOUNGA: I recommend Sequoia - you will learn a lot about computers
Thank you, kind man. It's a great program. No kidding.