A formal definition of a master-slave - is there one? - page 5



Let's talk about the group movement

That's what I mean too. It's called cointegration, in which the Granger causality test
and how did you manage to write hou

Can you do that?

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There is a correlation. But why are we getting into it?

Let's talk about a group movement

I agree with your correct example, but this exception proves it - there is correlation and there are practically no regularities.) It is unlikely that you can trade the euro against the franc and vice versa.

And the correlation between the Euro and the Franc is not always present - you can find a lot of examples of differently directed movements (in the sense of correlation) of these instruments.

I invite you here. Same topics.
and how did you manage to write the hou


It's no more difficult than using correlation intelligently. ;)

Preferably proof and, if possible, not in-depth and with references.

There will be no proof. Nor will there be a key to the flat.

And there are no such references in nature. Unless stat-arbitrage is a pathetic semblance of the left hand... ;)



It's no more difficult than getting the correlation to work intelligently. ;)

I got it! Man, what kind of symbol is that?
I got it! Man, what kind of symbol is that?

It's some kind of Eastern European. The capital Y is 246, if anything. :)

It's also practically useful:

Є - Alt-242.

$ - Alt-36, well everyone knows that.... :)