Negro! - page 25


There are a lot of subtleties here (e.g. is demonstrative ignoring a non-reinforcement, or is it negative reinforcement?), but first you need to humbly (without showing off) eat the basic idea: all fighting is a form of reinforcement.

It's not edible. It's the exception to the rule declared by the rule. It's false.

Geez, the pioneers grew up and raised their kids the way they were taught)))

Aha) and now a new generation has grown up in a corrupted Russia and the generation that grows up now, the 5-9th grade, is hell)


That's it, it's turned the thread into a smoking room.

I suggest Misha be banned for provoking a flood in the thread.


Geez, the pioneers grew up and raised their children the way they were taught )))

That's it, the branch has turned into a smoker's lounge.

I suggest Misha be banned for provoking flooding in the thread.

I agree

but I won't shut up in the bathhouse either.

the brooms aren't oaky, the towels aren't right, the steam is weak.


I agree

but I won't shut up in the bathhouse either.

The brooms aren't oaky, the towels aren't right, the steam is weak.


It's not edible.

We have to, Misha, we have to. It's time to grow up.

It is the exception to the rule pronounced by the rule.

It's not a rule. It's a property of reality. Rules are in the games. Is there anything outside the games? Don't you want to check?

It's false.

It's false in your head. You're playing games, Misha. You need to face the truth.

Lots of reading and long thinking...... I still don't get it..... You have to keep it simple, keep it simple! And think and write!

Is there a study? Democracy in the press breeds criminality? In the USSR the media didn't write about sex maniacs, but Chikatila was real.

I said google it. It's an unpopular topic (games are much more popular than truth), but you can find quite a lot. All it takes is the will to get wise.

Do you want to change the world? Start with yourself! (с) )

I'm definitely not a pioneer anymore :D I grew up in a degradedsociety :D

time has changed too bad)

I said google it. It's an unpopular subject (games are much more popular than truth), but you can find quite enough. It would be a desire to get wise.

I googled it, it got quiet and told me to paint my eggs.

apparently secret knowledge is for the chosen few.....

But I liked it:

"Reinforcement (whether positive or negative) increases the reality of any phenomenon. Non-reinforcement decreases it.
There are a lot of subtleties here (e.g. is demonstrative neglect a non-reinforcement? or is it negative reinforcement?), but first you need to humbly (without showing off) eat the basic idea: any struggle is a form of reinforcement.

It's like the joke: Why was the collective farm called "Paris Lumumba" - it's too much like "F. Y. M."