Negro! - page 66

So please don't get confused: W and !W are two different things, I'm looking for !W, I don't see the point in looking for W here.
sanyooooook: ), I poured all last Friday, the forum was very pleased )))
..... but if vodka gets in the way of your work ...... then give it up .... your job .....))))
So please don't get confused: W and !W are two different things, I'm looking for !W, I don't see the point in looking for W here.

)))), did they cut his balls off without an anaesthetic? )))
)))), did they cut his balls off without an anaesthetic? )))

Nah, he's learned the difference between an H and a !H and now he really wants to poop.

Nah, he's learned the difference between an H and a !H and now he really wants to poop.

oh, he's got a crush on him.)

Sh and !Sh is it Plevin that gives you the creeps?
Sh and !Sh is it Plevin that gives you the creeps?

I don't know him.

it's much simpler than that.

It's not hard to understand what SH is, and !
Sh and !Sh, is that Pelevin giving you the creeps?

Yep.))) Here you go:

- No way! It's just the neck sticking out. I've been looking at it for an hour, to be honest. It's him and you. I'd go to the dining car. But I'm afraid to get out of the compartment. It's too much of a jolt. I get lost in space. If not in space, then in time.

- Vodka for you," Stepa said, getting up and taking his briefcase off the hook. - Now... Here you are.

- Thank you," said the traveling companion. - Good timing. To tell you the truth, I feel a little queasy. The only thing that helps at night is vodka...

// DPNN...