Negro! - page 61


First grade second quarter, that's what's scary.
I told you, I was sick.)

1 . if you have an axis that exploits the inefficiency of the market, it makes absolutely no difference what to do, to pour or to dump

tired of pouring, swap buy and sell, and you will honestly lose

2 . if there is no real ts which exploits the inefficiency of the market, the ts will always be random

it will never fill up and lose the deposit with endless deposit and endless trading

but if you add a spread, it will start to lose on the spread

martin is nothing, it would improve or worsen the results of endless trading.

3. you should not be interested in one-time statistics on one-time losses

you may have a random entry and exit at Take 1,000 or Stop 10

you don't need to worry about one-off statistics for a random loss, say you've made a random entry and your exit is either a takeaway of 1000 or a stop loss of 10.

And the fact that Sanyok is trying to take a small depot and a large lot is also from the same line. There is a problem of ruin, when 2 players play a game of eagle, but the capitals are different. In the limit one has infinite. In general, the smaller the depot and the bigger the lot, and the game to the flush, just more such games are needed to estimate mo. And if the opponent's capital is supposed to be infinite, then probability of sinking = 1 (with zero mo) and in this case estimation of mo will always be negative no matter how many sinks are counted. That is, it will tend to zero from the bottom. The less the number of drains we take into account, the less the value of Mo will be, although we know that the real Mo=0.

I.e. when evaluating one or more losses there will be a big negative mo (evaluation) and it seems that you turn over and there will be happiness. But no :)

That title would suit my grail.
Take your pick.

No, "Naivety" fits yours so far.

Nah, "Naivety" fits yours so far.

As well as "obnoxiousness" and "modesty".

As it turned out (after adopting the Old Believer belief, which has only one truth: "Spread to drain", and all sorts of advice from my uncle Misha and Co), to build a Negral prevents the spread, as indeed to build a Gaal, it also prevents (many would say: Your own MOSKH prevents you, and I agree with them).

It would seem that it might be easier to plummet a hundred (but I fucking have it the third day I plummet as can not plummet, though vmuhleval there a little, for which he received a rise and draining the drainable depot poured into, well, of course copy-gno, adjusting 2 days, are still improving), the first two hundred were released in a moment.

On the agenda is the following question: how to drain the deposit with little blood (harakiri in Russian), the turnover in lots on the account should be the smallest, not more than 5 lots per 100 quid?

SZZY: Spread loss for 3 days was 443.4 cu.

I.e. in fact, if only hypothetically to remove the spread, the depo would hang around the initial state, as the great prophet Uncle Misha & Co. predicted.

sanyooooook: received the lift of the drained depot and the discharge of the poured depot
Yeah, the loss of the loss in general (
Yes in general, loss (

Sasha, you're a masochist!

Sasha, you masochist!

No, he's good.

Sasha, you're a masochist!
Who among you is without sin? ;)