RBCI + TTF = Profit? - page 11

How can you tell if one indicator line is higher (lower) than another by software rather than by eye?
Both indicators give a numerical value to their chart, which is plotted on points. They have different scales of readings, but both have a zero line from which they plot their charts with "+" and "-" signs. You need to bring them to the same scale (e.g. by finding the highs and lows for each and dividing the value of the larger indicator by the value of the smaller one) and then compare their values by multiplying the value of the smaller indicator by this factor.
The indicators are made with this software, made for the M5 Euora, and the filter is the most primitive possible - the LPF with a period of 55, for the Euora in this TF it is the first and the strongest hump on the AFC/frequency response that this software draws.
The indicators are made with this software, made for the M5 Euora, and the filter is the most primitive possible - the LPF with a period of 55, for the Euora in this TF it is the first and the strongest hump on the AFC/frequency response that this software draws.
Both indicators or only RBCI? The TTF, in my opinion, is not even close.
TTF is the same as eggs in profile, not much into the code, but it's also an ordinary low-pass filter, only the cut-off frequency changes due to variable variables (heaps), which is even worse...

Here you have 33, 53, 83, and I don't remember how many

digital.zip  20 kb

Here you have 33, 53, 83, and I don't remember how many

Nah, I'd rather use the tried-and-true ones.
Nah, I'd rather use the tried and tested ones.

What's wrong with the mash-ups?


Nah, I'd rather use the tried and tested ones.

I don't understand what happens to the indicator when you change the scale?


This is how this TTF will behave NOT on the story, but in real life.


I don't understand what happens to the indicator when you zoom in?

They shift because the highs and lows are not fixed. I've already written about how to fix it, look it up in the thread.