[ARCHIVE] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 14: April 2012) - page 163


Hi, no, just having a holiday of the soul))))

Not looking down on the euro.

Are you lying on the sofa looking at the chart?
Hello, is anyone alive?)))
I'm alive. Hi.)
Are you lying on the sofa looking at the graph?

No, I'm crawling up to my desk))))

Mobilich, hi.


No, I'm crawling up to the table somehow))))

Mobilich, hi.

you're not looking down medium term?

Looking at the daily chart, I don't see an upward move at all...


you are not looking down in the medium term?

Looking at the daily chart, I don't see an upward move at all...

Nah, not looking down yet.

The long term is six months


you're not looking down in the medium term?

Looking at the daily chart, I don't see a hike up at all...

Funny Margaret, your view used to be the same as Strange's, or so I thought...

Strange hello, welcome back)))) didn't you get a hiccup? ))))

Hello Strange. Long time no see, missed you
Hello everyone! And the stranger is back!!! Well, the trade will get better))))The pound is sold, happy holidays to all!
Thank you all. What happened to Australia?))