[ARCHIVE] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 14: April 2012) - page 134


A hundred is enough

I say this as a rule, as it should be, but the situation in the market is not stable so it could be anything...

is it euro-bucks???
good evening margaret

Yes, of course.

good evening!

this is me saying by the rule, as it should be, but the market situation is not stable so it could be anything...

upwards direction, but - "this is me saying by rule, as it should be, but the market situation is not stable so it could be anything..."


There should be a strong momentum to the upside (100-200 p), then a stop-flat and a fall

kind of a similar scenario since the weekend...but...let's see...upwards for now...

I won't draw... because the dude with the red bold markers is stalking me...)))


Expect top red (if it reaches) and down...
so many bedtime stories)))) thank you all)))

You've read too much, potty and under the covers, now the horror stories are coming.


yeah..... You can't get off the pot after a horror film)))))

Someone's blood is about to spill (maybe)


upwards direction, but - "this is me saying by rule, as it should be, but the situation in the market is not stable so it could be anything...")


I meant that before a deep fall there should be a sharp jump up and a stop (like the last move to 42 on 27.10.2011), after that there should be a further fall...and at what level it will happen is not important...

Someone's blood is about to spill (maybe)

maybe like this... it's a possible move before the growth starts...