[ARCHIVE] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 14: April 2012) - page 136

Pound target is 6194...the news got in the way...but it should make it...
The divergence between the mental activity of the interstitial nerve node and the sensory perception of reality of the sciatic nerve is interfered with.

323 we should go today

on insta I see more and more people are falling in sales..... eh, I'd like to follow in their footsteps now)))

327 coming up...
327 going looks like...

3245 would make it)))

I guess it wasn't meant to be, so I put a hold on the sale

Where can Bernanke watch online in real time?

Everyone's here, let's go south on the euchre!
Everyone's here, let's go south on the eu!

show it on the 4 o'clock...

show it on the 4 o'clock...
Not drawn yet, but very impressive on the hour (went into the sell-off)