Measurement of vibration amplitude - page 7


I can't resist an off-topic too. About Logic and Programming.

Programming and abstract thinking are what are inseparable.

And logic, as a science, requires this thinking too.

But people also have intuitive logic, which sometimes gives them an advantage. Apparently they have a supercomputer in their head.

That is why they are not inclined to mathematics, Exel and programming.

And in Fora cases, they are more often successful than Abstracts. (

One could still argue about analysis and synthesis here...



here are the oscillating movements, we need to identify the dominant harmonics in each case and merge them.

how are you going to do it? and in general, i am interested in your principle of determining the dominant harmonic

In general, nothing extraordinary, the simplest method. In short: take a zig-zag with standard settings (although it does not matter), for a certain period, say a week on m15, measure the length of each of its knee in points and the number of bars, obtain an array of data length in points - the number of bars.

Then break all received values into ranges of +-20% (the parameter changes depending on the objectives) and calculate how many single amplitudes from the array of amplitudes fall into each range.

Then, for each range, calculate the percentage of the total number of amplitudes, and the average number of bars in each range.

The result is a large table that reads:

amplitude range ---- percentage ---- average number of bars in amplitude

If you think that linking programming to logic is strange, then you have no idea what this word means. Being able to think logically is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for being able to program, design houses or electronic circuits. You reason like Mitrofanushka: "Why should I know geography, I can tell my coachman where to go and he will take me there. I understand that the days of Leonardo da Vinci are over, and there are many professions. But nowadays, programming has become an essential tool for all self-respecting professionals to work in any branch of science, technology, industry and even medicine.


I work in a chemical factory. We produce chemicals in the workshop. All this is controlled by a man, and he is assisted by automation (computers with programmes). Process engineers are aware of the presence of such programs and use them, but they do not have a clue about the programming. The process engineer gives the task to the programmer and he says that he can change the programming and make it work. This is how a compromise between the technology and the program is found. The programmer often has very limited knowledge about the chemical process and vice versa.

This chemical process used to be controlled without computers. So, the theories can also be built without programming knowledge.

P.s. I apologize for the mistakes. I am not very good at Pussy.


In general, there is nothing extraordinary, the simplest method. Briefly: Take a zig-zag with standard settings (although it does not matter), for a certain period, say a week on m15, measure the length of each of its knee in points and the number of bars, get an array of data length in points - the number of bars.

Then break all received values into ranges of +-20% (the parameter changes depending on the objectives) and calculate how many single amplitudes from the array of amplitudes fall into each range.

Then, for each range, calculate the percentage of the total number of amplitudes, and the average number of bars in each range.

The result is a large table that reads:

amplitude range ---- percentage ---- average number of bars in amplitude

Rarely (unfortunately) a good post. Here's more on the subject.


I work in a chemical factory. We produce chemicals in the workshop. All this is controlled by a man, and he is assisted by automation (computers with programmes). Process engineers are aware of the presence of such programs and use them, but they do not have a clue about the programming. The process engineer gives the task to the programmer and he says that he can change the programming and make it work. This is how a compromise between the technology and the program is found. The programmer often has very limited knowledge about the chemical process and vice versa.

This chemical process used to be controlled without computers. So, the theories can also be built without programming knowledge.

P.s. I apologize for the mistakes. My Pussy is not very good.

You will not deny that full automatization is possible in principle. but of course no one will spend a lakh on the production of a sweet and then sell it for 5 rubles.


I work in a chemical factory. In the workshop we produce a chemical substance. All this is managed by a man, and he is assisted by automation (computers with programs). Process engineers are aware of the presence of such programs and use them, but they do not have a clue about the programming. The process engineer gives the task to the programmer and he says that he can change the programming and make it work. This is how a compromise between the technology and the program is found. The programmer often has very limited knowledge about the chemical process and vice versa.

This chemical process used to be controlled without computers. So, the theories can also be built without programming knowledge.

P.s. I apologize for the mistakes. Pussy is a little difficult.

Before computer technology was created, there was no programming or programmers, but progress was not slowing down. That is not the point. The point is that nowadays a specialist in any branch of knowledge can achieve more success if he uses programming to some extent in his work. And especially if a person develops the theory of market fluctuations, the ability to program would be of great help to him. And if a person is completely ignorant of programming, it is even difficult for him to write a terms of reference for a programmer. If the programmer is unfamiliar with chemistry and the chemist is unfamiliar with programming, it is sometimes difficult for them to understand each other. The optimal thing is for the chemist to program his own tasks. I think that with time, it will be natural for a specialist of any specialty to know programming. Here is an example. I was involved in the development of complex radioelectronic complexes. While producing these complexes, there were some difficulties in debugging and adjusting these devices, because it was rather difficult for workers-adjusters to quickly master the new, complicated technique, and searching for assembly faults and defective elements was very time-consuming. A challenge arose, how to speed up the process. I suggested creating a program - an expert system for searching for defects. Although I was an expert in circuitry, I was good at programming, though not very professional. I read a book on expert systems and developed such a program. Since I had a thorough knowledge of the schematics and operation of the device, it was not difficult for me to create and complete a knowledge base for this program. The job of setting up the product for the adjusters was greatly facilitated. Dialogically the program asked questions about the nature of the fault and the operator entered the answers. The program advised where and what to check to locate the fault. And so, through a multi-stage drill down, the search resulted in a specific element or assembly fault. Imagine if I had had to resort to the knowledge of a programmer - the development process would have been much slower, because it was rather complicated to write the terms of reference for a girl programmer who doesn't know anything about electronics and it was much easier to make the program myself.


This is the amplitude distribution on the GBP M15 for the month. The x-axis is the percentage, the y-axis is the ranges. Bands with 30% deviation


One more thing. I do a lot of things in excel too. I export from μl there and look at it there, as I don't do everything with μl.


This is the amplitude distribution on the GBP M15 for the month. The x-axis is the percentage, the y-axis is the ranges. Bands with 30% deviation

I still do not understand the 30% deviation range (from what) and the x-percentage ratio of what to what?

For example, the first range is 10-13 pips, which equals 10+30%. I call it the range with 30% deviation. The maximum percentage (on the chart) in the range 42-54.6 points, it means that out of all single fluctuations (say there are 100) in the range 42-54.6 points, fell 26 pieces, or 26%. It means that there is 26% probability that the price having passed 42-54.6 points will reverse and pass the same amount of points in the opposite direction. Naturally, the wider the range, the more probable it is that a single fluctuation will fall into it.

In a short history (a month), we can see minimums and maximums; if we take the history of 3 years, it becomes almost flat, with a fall in the beginning. Thus, the longer is the history, the more even distribution becomes. It shows how the market changes, that amplitudes distribution is different in every separate time period, so TS optimized for one period will fail in the forefront. Therefore, knowing the distribution of amplitudes, we can adjust parameters of TS, like optimizing in real time.