Measurement of vibration amplitude - page 3


I'm not talking about that, the implementation of ready specific ideas is something else. I mean that you can do research without knowledge of µl, but when found, then and you can write yourself or order the code or put the idea out. i just wonder how stupid it is to attribute people that if they can not code in µl, then their statements are obviously stupid and useless.

When searching for patterns in the market, is it easier to learn the µl language and, due to its foolishness in terms of built-in mathematical tools, spend an infinite amount of time writing separate code for each idea each time, + errors, including those that you do not even appear to be aware of, that is, even if you do everything correctly, there are still errors.

+ Write separate codes to check calculations and make sure everything is counted correctly.

+ And I have to figure out by myself how to implement some functions that are not implemented in µl but are available in other math packages.

To hell with MKL, you don't have to use it to find patterns, there are more suitable packages for that... but for testing, yes...

And that's not the point, but the point is that by claiming to have the ability to construct a mathematical theory (which, generally speaking, is not that easy), we thereby claim to possess some minimum required level of intelligence, which in itself tightly correlates with the ability to learn programming in general. As far as I understand, this is exactly what khorosh meant

After all, theory is something described quantitatively in mathematical language or, at worst, qualitatively, but using some terminology (understood by the author as well as by others) and logical constructions, plus falsifiability; but "theory" is just the thing that starts with "I want to build a theory..." and ends with "... and help whoever you can".

I understand, what you mean, only I think the author would be offended again, after all he considers, that its Theory is the correctest in the world and it is impossible to put it in quotes). Yusuf also believes that formula 18 led to forex being at his feet).


Now I'm developing a theory of fluctuations in the market.

which breaks down in practice

1) How to track the trend without closing on a pullback, and maybe even buying up on a pullback on the trend...

That's where you start.


To hell with the MCL, you don't have to use it to look for patterns, there are better packages for that... but for testing, yes...

And that's not the point, but the point is that by claiming to be able to build a mathematical theory (which, generally speaking, is not that easy), we claim to have some minimum required level of intelligence, which itself tightly correlates with the ability to learn programming in general. As far as I understand, this is exactly what khorosh meant

Quite rightly understood. It is not necessary for the author to start his post with such resounding words "I am now developing a theory of fluctuations in the market".
which is broken by practice.

You have to start from the beginning.

You have not even seen how the idea comes out in the form of TS, but you are so bold and arrogant (as if you've tried everything and know everything) that you are stating something.

practice is real trading, and coding is only a concomitant but not the main difficulty in getting the benefit of practical training


You have not even seen how the idea comes out in the form of TS, but you are so bold and arrogant (as if you have tried everything and know everything) that you are stating something.

the practice is real trading, and coding is just ancillary but not the main difficulty in gaining the benefits of practical training.

You're stuck. Mcl and coding were not even in mind.
You've got a fixation. Mcl and coding weren't even on my mind.

So I made it clear. what does this have to do with you breaking into practice? what practice? so far only problems with formalizing an idea. what do you have to break into. (not aggressively, scratching the back of my head).

Theory can be described not only in mathematical language, mathematics is only one of the means of describing theory, there is no need to stoop to this definition. To link programming with logic, in general, is rather strange; all engineering is logical, which means that everyone should be able to design houses and design electronic circuits. A racer doesn't need to know all the details of his engine, the main thing is to understand the gist and basic parameters, for the rest there are mechanics and engineers.

What kind of thinking people have, why do you have to shit all over everything? You think you are smarter than others. You will never achieve anything, human development stops when you think you are better than others without understanding the essence. All great scientists and athletes always strive to be better than others and their development continues until they think they are better than others. I asked for help from people who are interested in the direction or those who are already doing it. If you're not interested, why write? If you have something to help, please help, if you're interested, please post in person!

All that is not on the subject is flooding (and everyone understands this). Or all have so much free time to spend it on flooding??? Or can't do anything else.....


I mean that you can do research without knowledge of µl, but when found, then you can write yourself or order the code or put the idea out. i just wonder how stupid it is to attribute people that if they can not code in µl, then their statements are obviously stupid and useless.

When searching for patterns in the market, is it easier to learn the µl language and, due to its foolishness in terms of built-in mathematical tools, spend an infinite amount of time writing separate code for each idea, + errors, including those that you do not even appear to be aware of, that is, even if you do everything correctly, there will still be errors.

+ Write separate codes to check calculations and make sure everything is counted correctly.

+ making up my own mind to implement some functions that aren't implemented in µl but are available in other math packages.

A simple question, how many trading ideas can you test in one day if you cannot program? A programmer who knows how to program, using an EA template, changing mainly only the entry and exit conditions and connecting the necessary library functions, can test more than a dozen not too complicated ideas, which usually come to mind during a day.


A simple question, how many trading ideas can you test in one day if you cannot program? A programmer who knows how to program, using an EA template, changing mainly only the entry and exit conditions and connecting the necessary library functions, can test more than a dozen not too complicated ideas, which usually come to mind during a day.

I have a different approach to the issue. you are looking for a TS, and I regard a TS as the last stage after the price transformation.