FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 6

I almost lost it, I caught a moose, a midget. I just didn't see the stop loss! Didn't follow it.
Almost lost my way, caught a sucker, a midget. Just missed the stop loss! Didn't see it coming.

Maybe the gap will close today, 1.3120 I will try to buy some more.

Yes! Thank you!

Gone for a beer. can't read about the depot's run-ups without a beer!!!

Beer on base, left to roast peanuts, salt and with Tantric's favourite smiley face............... Shall I post a screenshot on the forecast?
Beer on base, left to roast peanuts, salt and with Tantric's favourite smiley face............... Shall I post a screenshot of the forecast?
Go ahead... what kind of beer are you drinking?
Come on... what kind of beer are you drinking?

As long as it's more affordable. It's pretty much all the same these days.
I don't know. I logically don't think we would have fallen any further steeply. But I put up both sells and baiys all the time, because I don't know!

the bulls are going to start chasing up! IMHO!


the bulls are going to start chasing up! IMHO!

If it goes up, it will probably go through 1.325. But, at the same time, it could go further down.
If upwards, it is likely to go through 1.325. But, at the same time, could go further down.

And further down, not everyone has understood the 1st lesson.