FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 5

So we won't see

If you have, say, ten successful trades in a row and your deposit starts to grow by leaps and bounds, you just want to burst onto the forum and mix it up with Mr. mere mortals. As for the other guys, I don't know what to do with them.
I am not making fun of him, on the contrary, his waves are just right. (it violates).
I am not making fun of him at all! On the contrary, his waves are right! (it breaks)

Looks like we'll soon start making TAs based on Yurchenko's TA! :)

It seems to me that Yurchenko makes TA for a larger chart, but the intraday one is not very good yet!

What's missing is Stranger, what's he building there? A bathhouse or a chicken coop?)))
What's missing is Stranger, what's he building there? A bathhouse or a chicken coop?)))
he's making money on the depot!

For example USDJPY is good for me today, I think it is going to go down

UsDJPY? It corrected a little bit yesterday and it's going to go in an uptrend nicely.

Gone for a beer. can't read about depo runs without beer!!!

on the depot earns money!
Did you lose money on predictions?
I think the max might be 1.3290. That's it though.

stop! who has ? 20 quid?

Me. I had it in my account once.

From some website 12:55 Germany Feb ManufacturingPMI 50.1 50.1

13:00 Eurozone Feb PMI Manufacturing 52.0 52.1

It hasn't been announced yet, this PMI . But it's not bad at all!!!! I read that if it's above 50 it's good!

I think the max might be 1.3290. That's it though.
missing the ellipsis and ... anything is possible))))