FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 264

The probability is low. We may update today's high at 1.33386, but not by much.

The probability is high and there is a rationale for that
it's all coming up

and what kind of folk art is this?
and what kind of folk art is this?
The man is still in sales... Pips up... Pipping away losses from sales... No words, just throwing balls(( I'm sorry for you.

Why did you open the pose so far from the opening of the day?
I don't quite understand about the day.

There is no reason for growth, but the stubbornness of the puppeteer does not allow to go down, pulling more people into the buy.

140 is up, not the time to go to 300, though the puppeteer does not want to, but he will have to go down.

In the current situation, only sit in sells if you have good control of the situation, I have only one account in which I am in sells, and that is 1 in 3 buys

The probability is high and there is a rationale for it
Can this justification be made public?
Can this rationale be made public?
At least that we're trending down to the day's buy...