FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 36


Nice ) I'm expecting down ))) 50 pips ))

ANALYSIS history, 99% up
I want to hear the opinions of those who are still awake - where will the GAP go?!

go to sleep in peace. it's not going anywhere. and why should it be by the way?

don't be offended... make no mistake....

Who wants to bet on snickers that it will be that 1% down?
Well, that's the end of the day )))) Thanks to all survivors for the pleasant company )))) My special respect to Petechka )))) See you on Monday ))))
Well, that's the end of the day )))) Thanks to all survivors for the pleasant company )))) My special respect to Petechka )))) See you on Monday ))))

What's up?

Thanks!!! Yes, but it is really confusing and inexplicable, such a fall, like in the eurozone today is not worse than five or eight days ago, and in the U.S. all is not so rosy, so what!!!

Well, maybe you shouldn't have ridden the horse, or maybe you should have.


...and can you post all the rules, please...

Sorry, went to bed early yesterday, didn't live up to the question.

By the way my personal opinion, Gunn has said very little, all of Okogann's research is based on pathetic crumbs of his revelations, densely diluted with free interpellation.

According to the latest party decisions, last hike south 70-120p on Monday and then everyone on the fence until the reversal is settled and with a feeling of deep satisfaction we will go north.

There's no room for cold water in a cauldron of boiling water. I think that's about the size of one of the zen aphorisms. And that's Greece.

And this is Greece.

I don't know what will happen to the guard of honour in a few hours, and the sentries themselves, perhaps the booths will burn down once more. We are being repeatedly told that Greece is an outcast and a lazy bum who does not want to do anything, but is it really so? While it was possible to stop this situation the ECB just flooded Greece with credit, maybe this is not a desire to think about tomorrow (inherent in people) maybe some far sighted conspiracy, the point is something else. These two photographs from the same place show more than ever that what seems so stable and enduring can change very quickly. Is Greece the only one to make such a fuss?

Italy is on the way. The ECB tranche just added to the unfunded euro. America is not going to make war with Iran (I do not know what they will invent to boost oil), ok, they made a duck about explosion of oil pipeline once, maybe they will crack the same joke for the second time, and then ... I do not know ... I do not know ("Peter and the Wolf").
The Greeks have been slashed again, I do not think the CDS thing is over yet. And with all this going on, Europe is building its economy to reduce consumption - austerity... It is so European to live within their means unlike the goddamn Yankees. But I do not understand how they are going to run the economy by saving. In general, all this background and regular statements that gold should be worth more. Personally, I am convinced of the opposite - not enough sheep, you need more sheep to slaughter.
I do not even see the point of attaching the eurobucks screenshot yet. Any good levels to use for sales. And of course we will see how the week will start. There is always a possibility that the dummy will think of something not really new )))) Profits and happy trading to all.