To the world conspiracy plotters and complete paranoiacs, or simply those who like to control the price, you are welcome! ;) - page 8


Found it the first time.

I runPlanimetry.mq4 script, but don't get the planimetry.tpl template.



Volodya, please run this script and report the results.

Thanks to MQL5 for the help.

Okay, tonight. I'm at work now.
Of course 45x is cool, although with my calculations C++ with OpenMP beats 5 on my 2x core CPU by 15x, and with more cores probably by 20x, i.e. real gain will be only 2 times according to my calculations, of course. Thanks for the code, of course, I have to think whether it's worth buying a video card (there's still a resource in the form of SSE4, so far I've only compiled under SSE2).

-Aleksey-: 45 раз конечно круто, хотя на моих расчетах C++ с OpenMP

OpenMP in 5, judging by Renat's comments, won't be - or won't be for a long time. Now we're talking about native support.

Of course, everything is determined only by the expediency of the tools used in relation to the tasks at hand. Someone needs to get 50 times faster on natively supported OpenCL, while the other can more easily achieve a similar result with highly optimized calculations implemented in dll using SSEx & OMP.

In my indicator I have calculations which take "too long", as much as 10 seconds. But they are put into init() so you may wait a bit. Yes, we could speed up those 10 seconds to 0.5 or less - and perform calculations nearly at every tick. But I simply don't need it now.

But I know that there will be traders who will have to retrain the neural network at every tick, so no hardware and software will be enough for them.


Volodya, please run this script and report the results.


2012.03.02 19:54:03     1_MLP_MQL_compiler (EURUSD,M1)  OpenCL удалён за 0.281 сек.   
2012.03.02 19:54:03     1_MLP_MQL_compiler (EURUSD,M1)  Файл записан за 0.0 сек.   
2012.03.02 19:54:03     1_MLP_MQL_compiler (EURUSD,M1)  Буфер прочитан за 29.796 сек.   
2012.03.02 19:53:33     1_MLP_MQL_compiler (EURUSD,M1)  Тест №1 на 200000 запусков - 0.624 сек.   
2012.03.02 19:53:32     1_MLP_MQL_compiler (EURUSD,M1)  Тест №1 на 200000 запусков - 40.045 сек.   
This is with the original parameters.

But I know that there will always be traders who need to retrain their neural networks at every tick, so no hardware and software will be enough for them.


I don't need to retrain my nerves on every tick. But preferably quickly, ideally instantaneously. I need it to test new and old ideas and all sorts of twists and turns of thought in general. And I have a lot of twists :)

In short, I need to quickly retrain simple nets for about the same reason that you get tired of waiting ten seconds when your program starts. As for the complex ones, I couldn't even dream about them without such speeds... I felt like an idiot at once. Because 10^5~10^7 seconds for one optimization (by rough estimate) is somehow too much like..........


And for trading, of course, too... kagba... ;)

(, well, what have you turned this thread into?
MetaDriver: For roughly the same reason you're sick of waiting ten seconds to start your program.

Well, yes, that makes sense, no argument. I mean, at the design stage.

(, well, what have you turned this thread into?

And we're totally paranoid.

(, well, what have you turned this thread into?

It's my fault. Seeing your free flow of creative thought, I was so inhaled, I was so moved.

Sorry, eh?



Well, yes, that makes sense, no argument. I mean, at the design stage.

(, well, what have you turned this thread into?

And we're totally paranoid.

I got out of it.)