To the world conspiracy plotters and complete paranoiacs, or simply those who like to control the price, you are welcome! ;) - page 4

Strange as it may seem, all machines are ahead of the chart, but not many people can see it. Although sometimes they are wrong (this is about the wrenches), very rarely, but they are

Victor, can you elaborate a bit more on the graph advance and how to see it?


Oddly enough, all wagons are ahead of schedule, only few can see it. Although sometimes they are wrong, very rarely, but they are

Is that more obvious?


Victor, can you elaborate a little more on the leading of the graph and how to see it?

It's complicated in a nutshell. But if you want it is enough to put 1000 of any balloons on the chart (the main thing is that they all have different period) and look at them for 30-60 minutes without interruption. You will be able to see anything.

Although some comrades think that different types of wipers with suitable periods can repeat each other. So. Such wipers (I will say nothing about the comrades) do not suit us. A thousand wipers of different period, but of the same type. And we watch it for two hours. And we understand that in hindsight, most of the wagons behaved correctly, in the right direction.

I'll give it a try. But 1000 MA is probably too much, any computer would freeze up. Maybe three or four dozen is enough?

Or is it ? For comparison, in red, a thick regular Emashka with period = 8


Or is it ? For comparison, in red, a thick regular Emashka with period = 8

I want one too.

I want it! I want it! I want it!

I'll give it a try. But 1000 MA is probably too much, any computer would freeze up. Maybe three or four dozen is enough?

Nah, three or four dozen is not enough. Even a computer won't hang. We wouldn't even be able to see anything. I could throw in a topic on planimetry. So to say, to facilitate this work. The picture is beautiful (not me), I just liked it in my time

Found it the first time.

I'd like to see it.

Link in the post above
The link in the post above
I'll read it, thanks.