For Lizavetta - page 6


"Aha - ha ... " I can't find the song - help...

music doesn't live in my heart!

music doesn't live in my heart!

It's a pity. It needs to LIVE, otherwise what's the point of ALL this...

music does not live in my heart!
Why not... It's time to wake her up, so that SHE wakes up and LIVES!! ! ALL OVER!!!
Here too... although I hear it's broken, I don't put commas on the keyboard... I'm learning to type...

It's a pity she's already with the pundits... :-)

Fantastic... :-)

From the heart.

NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!! Not a ghost... :-)


Romka, are you drinking again?

You'd better come to me as an investor in the real economy.


It's a pity she's already with the pundits... :-)

Fantastic... :-)

From the heart.

I hate to break it to you, but "lizavetka" is a man and a connoisseur troll.

so don't be angry, it happens.


Romka, are you drinking again?

You'd better come to me as an investor in the real economy.

No. Not booze. But we'll finish a drink from (the) barn... :-) (because there's a reason for it!!!).

Not ready yet, because MMM2012 - rules - see my profile!


1. I hate to break it to you, but "lizavetka" is a man and a real troll.

2. So don't be angry, it happens.

1. 1. You are not the first to tell me about it (other people write in private)...

2. I'm not upset, because I assumed and was ready for it.


I hate to break it to you, but "lizavetka" is a man and a connoisseur troll.

Is that him? :-)

(picture is one of...)

No kidding.

Troll - piss, IMHO!