Average daily journey in points by instrument. - page 17

On some forums you can see who is under 30 who is interested.
Time scale: before surgery, or after?
On some forums you can see who is under 30 who is interested.

Tell me then too.
It's getting boring. It's time to start discussing the 2nd law.

el skucho?
Svinotavr: It's getting boring. It's time to start discussing the 2nd law.
Curious to see where you get to in applying the 2nd law to trading. You don't have to go into all the details (and you won't, you'll squeeze, you pro). The general concept is enough.


Big doggy happiness
I'm curious to know what you've gotten to in applying the 2nd law to trading. You don't have to tell me all the details (and you won't, you're going to get jammed up, you pro). The general concept is enough.

You, Alexey, have already figured out whose clone this is.
Renat can find out in two seconds

Alexei doesn't need much more than that.

Home-grown psychotrophs.

Aren't they morons?



Maybe the similarity in nicknames is for a reason?