Average daily journey in points by instrument. - page 22


I can't believe you're having a serious discussion.

Or is this the Prankster thread...


I can't believe you're having a serious discussion.

Or is this the Prankster thread...

Laugh it up and move on.

By the way, he said that he got more accuracy than even with DT quotes, in points, and he was calculating by fractions of a pip. By the way, maybe he used this mechanism, I don't know, but the intertopic "behavior" of price may not be so useless. everything collapses during regression with an increasing error, and if this increase in error can be ruled out?

This phenomenon (which the formula reflects) has a name.

Isomorphism is a very general concept that is used in various branches of mathematics. In general, it can be described this way: Let us define two sets with a definite structure (groups, rings, linear spaces, etc.). A bijection between them is called isomorphism if it preserves this structure. If there exists isomorphism between such sets, they are called isomorphic. An isomorphism always defines an equivalence relation on a class of such sets with structure.

Objects between which there is isomorphism are in a certain sense "equally arranged", they are called isomorphic.


I'm starting to get sick of Dima's golden root syndrome, so to make a complete distinction, I'll ask again.

Dima, why is this root the most valuable thing in the formula?


Let us imagine the following situation for simplicity. We trade against the trend, the price goes against us, it goes upwards and we are shorting. Change of profit (loss) by 1 pip at 1 lot = 1 quid.
At 2.0000 we had 1 lot of sell. At the 2.0100 level we would have a loss of 100 quid;
The price goes up, by opening 1 more short lot at 2.0100 we will have a loss of 200*1+100*1=300 quid at 2.0200 level.
And so on.

The table is as follows:
2.0000 - loss $0.
2.0100 - $100 loss
2.0200 - loss 100+200=300
2.0300 - loss 100+200+300=600
2.0400- loss 100+200+300+400=1000$

Do you feel the "parabolism" of the progression? At each level in the liquid "market" there is approximately the same number of lots. So, you should short only when you can. And you can - when there is someone to short against. Shorting against "nobody" makes no sense. You can only "find on the pavement" those "purses" that others have lost. And if no one has lost "purses", there is no point in looking for them at all, even if it is light.

it is closer to me not against whom, but with whom. you have to move with the mastodons, eating them up like a flea on a dog's back.))

You said that your first priority is to get a liquidity warning, but then it will not only work, but other options can also be applied. Maybe i got it wrong, but so far i have seen it that way. correct me if i'm wrong.

2-then look at this page, there is a long number, it may be crazy, but I want to understand it, do you know what it may be? https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/114902/page4

Svinotavr: At the 2.0000 level we had 1 lot of sall. At the 2.0100 level we would have a loss of 100 quid;
Not 100, but 1,000. But the parabolic remains.

Alexey, I wrote there that 1 pip of 1 lot is worth $1. But, if you have 10, with small funds and minimum lot limits, it's a guaranteed drain(according to our systems). I'm even guessing where this 5 digits is :) We do not work with this brokerage company, also for these reasons.

Masons? is tara on the team with you?
Svinotavr: Алексей, I wrote there that 1 point of 1 lot is worth $1. But, if you have 10, with small funds and minimum lot limits, it's a guaranteed drain (according to our systems). I'm even guessing where that 5-digit number is:)

The point value does not depend on the value (four or five digits). It depends on the contractsize, which is 100000 in most brokerage companies.

Where there are five digits, one in the fifth decimal place is 0.1 pip.


The main thing is to make these implementations overlap, which is what I am doing in parallel with other directions.

hello tara.

Svinotavr: So it turns out that with a small deposit it is more difficult to implement a pattern and easier to lose.
A deposit of a hundred quid is quite enough to trade 0.01 on one pair with a contract value of 100000. The relative risks are the same as when working 0.1 on a $1,000 deposit.