Average daily journey in points by instrument. - page 8

Trololo: the letter x equals five? )))))) or thought deeper))))

Much deeper than that. That x=5 is too trivial.

The man has completed the task. He did find x in the picture.


Much deeper. The fact that x=5 is too trivial.

The man has completed the task. He did find the x in the drawing.

I went into the unconscious, wandered around, wandered around, then went deeper into irrationality and was about to find the root of minus one, when I accidentally sneezed and the whole philosophy ended up on the monitor screen.

can you explain the meaning of the last and penultimate one again, again I will try to meditate on it all.

"Find x" in English not only means "find x", i.e. to search for and so find the letter x. Another meaning, chiefly in mathematics, is 'Calculate x'.

But since you probably don't have such definitions, let's take candlesticks (bars) for simplicity. Can candlestick lengths have completely random dimensions? No. It is the same for the rest. The system has certain properties and there are historical limits on these properties, which will sooner or later be overcome, which is unlikely, but for now they work.

One more piece of advice to you personally. If you want to understand depth, you shouldn't run between instruments (pairs, futures, stocks, etc.), you should rather get a thorough understanding of one very liquid instrument. And focusing too much on one instrument will not be helpful. Although, on the other hand, looking at it from a wide angle is also useful. This is on the issue of whether "university" or "institute" is better.)

Regarding candle lengths. You are confusing randomness of length with its finite scale. A uniformly distributed random variable cannot take any values either, but it is random nonetheless.

Regarding tools. Have you ever thought why with a great choice of financial instruments most brokerage companies offer forex instruments. Only some of them offer shares and almost none, for example indices. What difference does it make to them?


I tried a long time ago to use the formulas of the right triangle to relate volumes and prices to time.

but wouldn't analyzing the concept of non-linear time simplify things?

I understand that you consider the market to be a "roulette game in a casino". Have I got that right?


But I consider the activities of most "traders" in the market to be mouse fiddling with tambourines.

You don't need anything to "play" in the market, just open a terminal and go.

To work, you need to understand the patterns and the differences from a random process.

Do you have an understanding? Tell us about it. Has it taken you years? That's OK, in this case your knowledge won't give anyone a golden mountain, because only hard-earned experience is valuable.


So it's basically the same thing as here https://forum.mql4.com/ru/45052/page3#554069

check it out, good branches.




Isn't that H-volatility.

I still don't get it....

The same Shiryaev and Pastukhov did, if I am not mistaken of course.

Svinotavr: Jos, what is there to discuss? It's all clear with volatility there. The news comes out (some people believe it) and ... well, in short, you know. I wanted to draw your attention to the indicator period, but you didn't understand it. The period in one case is a day, in the other - half a day, see the result. Never mind.

Dima, don't bore your soul, reveal the secret, the sulphur in your ears is already boiling.

And Poligraf Poligrafych can't wait either, a shot glass of vodka and a toast "I wish everyone!" is warming up...

Svinotavr: But, if it is a stabilised martingale?
Stabilised martingale ))) no matter how many boobs you call breasts... )))

... and a professional can work on a stabilised martingale system for years.

I don't think you are right. Any martingale, however stabilised, is an increase in bets while reducing the deposit. And it doesn't matter what the law is. It's against common sense. If you run out of money in your wallet you won't go out to dinner and think of ways to save. Wouldn't you?