Highly reliable transaction/signal copier (ideology discussion and development) - page 3

So the server has to send the keys all the time? This will increase the traffic, but what about the traffic, where is the guarantee that the message will be received? which means the server side will need a variable key log for each message, the engineer can get confused with all of this.

No way, the problem is adding 5-16-32-64 characters key to the message ??? where's the message size bloat. you'll lose more on handlers for multiple messages than that.
Of course the client has to report or action will be taken...
Wait, really, why would the server need to send something, let it write to ftp and the clients take it from there.

this is a bit of a problem. the computer will be loaded with constant requests to the server. i would like to not load the hardware and traffic.

maybe creating socketed permanent connections would still be more economical in terms of traffic?
OK, let's narrow down the questions to these for now.

- remote synchronisation (the data is stored on the server (in what form))
- what to give to the client (the last signal or the full set of orders for synchronization)

-and method of information exchange (what is better in terms of reliability/resource ratio: pure socket with direct connection to the client or http/ftp with constant server pounding)

I don't think so. The computer will be busy with constant requests to the server.

Maybe making socketed persistent connections would be more economical in terms of traffic?
In general, what language shall we use?
What language do we limit ourselves to anyway?
We're talking about the perfect reliable copier.

1) Definitely a database (Muscle)

2) HCTP or even HCTPS - reliability and security are in the first place here. Traffic - when 90% of people are on unlimit, I think there is no point in discussing

2) HTTP or even HTTPS - reliability and safety come first. Traffic - when 90% of the people are sitting on unlimit, I think there is no point in discussing
I don't think it's worth discussing. In a month I got 180 Gg on my server. Worth unlim. But the Prov was shocked and moved me to another server. He also warned me that the traffic should be reduced because their servers go down because of the frequent chattering.
No one yet. we're talking about the perfect reliable copier.

The perfect reliable copier is the MT terminal, thousands of clients on one server and millions of quid entrusted to this system.

Operational experience over the years, hundreds of companies having bought an MT server.

Get yourself a MT server and broadcast any signal to your terminals.

Https access is also good because you can serve a large number of clients at the same time, given the small resources of the server.