Highly reliable transaction/signal copier (ideology discussion and development) - page 9

Verification of the veracity of transmitted data is already implemented in TCP/IP at the protocol level.

This refers to data miscommunication and loss of connectivity. but it's basically correct. if a socket fails, the packet is considered to be invalid and is rejected.

I recommend the informative video, which clearly shows the pros and cons of existing connections, including the TCP/IP protocol.

Dmitry, I'll say it again. I have had copying machines for about 4-5 years, both local and remote, and with intermediate servers. I do not need any controllers listening for me.

Here I want to make a forum-wide discussion between people who have learned a lot about it. And on the basis of the pros and cons of the technologies to make variants of reliable copying machines, which are stable and resistant to the number of clients as well as to the quality of connection and load on channels.

Then why don't you start by setting out in full detail the ideology under which your copiers operate?

Then why don't you start by setting out in full and detail your ideology by which your copyists work?

The existing ideology is simple - a list of master orders is created and this list is duplicated on the client.
For local - the list is transferred via mapping, for remote - via intermediate server via http.

It works fine for local one. But for remote http gnaw worm of uncertainty if I've chosen the right approach. I have other projects with sockets, for copier their use was only in plans.

That's why I want to discuss who's confident in what and know the problems encountered, in order to choose a new or to stay with the old technology.
As I said before - when all aspects are determined - I will do an open project (if brothers ideologists don't mind).

Blimey, this is the theme -- a peer-to-peer signal network.