[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 5


i mean, how do i sell 10k?

i.e. i have for example 1k, sell at 10k ???

with such a deposit you won't have a leverage of 1:1000. And this is a risky option. It will not be so cool. But if you go in with 1.0 lot - you're unlikely to fail.
Don't get all worked up...Let them talk...Remember, he was talking about 1.29 yesterday himself.

Don't - only about 1.30, read carefully. I heard the first sane correction target from Mobilich today - 1.28, although I may go even to 1.2730, but 1.26 is a bullshit.

ok... anyway, don't take it so seriously... i'm certainly not going to sell yet )))) take a glass and pour.... may the power of the jadai be with us


Don't - only about 1.30, read carefully. I heard from Mobilich today the first sensible correction target - 1.28, though I admit even to 1.2730, but 1.26 is a bullshit.

Let's keep it in mind. What does Stranger think is nonsense. And what he will say when we see 1.26, or even lower.

Everyone remembers together. What Stranger thinks is bullshit. And then what he'll say when we see 1.26, or even lower.
Remembered but not yet!

Everyone remembers together. What Stranger thinks is bullshit. And what he will then say when we see 1.26 or even lower

Write down)))))))))))))))))) You really need to sell here and no one is responding anymore, call the disciples and gobble them up))))) Not many of them left alive)))))))))
And about the account and the investment, I'll think about it. Just to rub some people's noses in it.
And about the account and the investment, I'll think about it. Just to rub some people's noses in it.

Are you talking about those receivers who are three weeks down to 1.26 from 1.2693?

2012.02.01 19:00:03 '3712081': order was opened : #154199366 sell 0.22 EURUSD at 1.31731 sl: 1.32543 tp: 1.30943

2012.02.01 18:59:57 RNN_v4_m EURUSD,H1: Probability for the short position: 0.5871

2012.02.01 19:00:03 '3712081': order was opened : #154199366 sell 0.22 EURUSD at 1.31731 sl: 1.32543 tp: 1.30943

2012.02.01 18:59:57 RNN_v4_m EURUSD,H1: Probability for the short position: 0.5871

The probability here is super.