[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 721

If you think logically ... up ... the gap is the difference between the closing price in mt4 and the weekend market price ... and the weekend is unlikely to trade down ... BUT THIS IS MY OPTION ...
Opinions are generally divided)))

Cheekies don't make any money
gap up and then go for a correction downwards.

The cheaters don't make any money.
Growth was on wave 3 On H1 so wave 4 hep down!
Growth was on wave 3 On H1 so wave 4 hep down!
come on... I think if you lay it out like that (in waves), I think the 3rd is not over yet, it's the longest one after all
Growth was on wave 3 On H1 so wave 4 hep down!

I sold the pound as well.
no way... I think if you lay it out like that (in waves), I think the 3rd one isn't finished yet, because it's the longest
on the H1 is over. Well whether it's finished now or not! !
If you think logically...up...the gap is the difference between the closing price in mt4 and the weekend market price...and they are unlikely to trade down at the weekend...BUT THIS IS MY OPTION...

We have seen the stopping volumes on the cluster. They will sell the last waistcoat this weekend.
on H1 is over. Whether it's over now or not! !
It's over!
I'm not sure.